Chapter 6

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(Author's note: I'M ALIVEEEE.)

Another day at Bullworth. I was getting tired of the school already and it has only been 3 weeks. I was heading for the main building and saw Mandy, with a band aid over her nose. I laughed. I guess I hurt her pretty bad. She glared at me and I continued walking. Inside the main building, I saw Pete getting pushed over by student with brown hair and a green vest on. 

"You know I'm going to rule the school, and you or that fat ape Jimmy can't do anything to stop me!" The boy yelled.

I ran over to him and grabbed Pete's hand to help him up, "Pete...are you ok...?" I asked, then looked at the boy. "Ok, listen. Don't bully Pete because he is my friend. If you hurt him again I swear t-" He cut me off.

"And do what? Slap me to death?" The boy laughed and then walked off. 

I grunted and saw there was a sign on his back that said 'Asshole'. I laughed, as did Pete. Together we walked towards out first class. Which was Art. I then realized today was my last day at Bullworth. I began to worry because I knew that I was going to leave. My grades are only at B's and my class participation grade was low. I sat at my table with Pete and Beatrice and looked around for Jimmy. I didn't see him for the whole class. I began to worry about him. During lunch I looked for him around the school. There was still no sign of him. I worried more every minute I didn't see him. I then gave up looking. He was probably in the principal's office or something. I then looked at the clock. 1:15. My parents were going to be here any minute. I ran to the girls dorm and got all of my stuff together. I knew today was going to be my last day. And I wouldn't be able to say goodbye to Jimmy. I sighed and heard the intercom come on.

"Connor O'Neil, please come up to the office with your things. Your parents are here waiting for you," said Ms.Danvers.

I made my way to the office, my bag slung over my shoulder. I looked at all the students looking at me. Some of them laughed, others looked dismal. Beatrice ran up to me and hugged me.

"I'll miss you, my gossip buddy," She said, her eyes beginning to water.

I smiled, "I'll miss you too, Beatrice." I walked off and then finally saw Jimmy in front of the school doors.

I ran up to him and hugged him, "Jimmy...I'm leaving."

He sighed, "I know...Look. Just to let you know that I love you and I'll miss you. Just promise me to be the rebel girl I fell in love with."

I giggled, "I promise," and I kissed him.

We said our final goodbyes and then I walked to the headmaster's office. I saw there my parents. They looked at me and smiled, "Hello Connor. We've missed you so much."

I looked away  from them and stared at the ground. I hated them for taking me out of Bullworth. I didn't have a choice but I still hated them.

My parents sighed, and then thanked Mr.Crabblesnitch. They walked out of the office, and I followed. I saw Jimmy one last time and waved. He waved back and turned away. My last day was a disaster... My parents walked to their car and I threw my stuff inside. I sat in the car and took my last look at Bullworth Academy. So this was it. I was leaving behind everything that I enjoyed. My boyfriend, my friends, and my teachers. it was all gone. I began to cry as the school disappeared in the distance. I sat back in my seat and cried. Goodbye Bullworth Academy, goodbye Pete and Beatrice. And most of all. Goodbye Jimmy. 


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