Ep1. twitch-con

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A cool breeze brushed against Nagzz's face, stirring him from a deep sleep. Gradually he woke, as the bright midday sun slipped behind a white cloud. As he stared up at the sky his muddled mind began to question the situation. Hmm? This is a bit odd. Am I still dreaming? I don't remember falling asleep outside. What was it I was doing today again? Twitch-con right? Meeting Chibi and Giri was just as insane as I imagined it would be.... Wait. Images of an angry Nagnose flickered in his mind. Its ridiculously huge schnozz had taken up most of Nagzz's sight when it approached, walking on a comically small yet wide body. The only real way Nagzz knew that it was angry was due to the shrill squeaks of its voice.

"How dare you! I was the most loved emote from chat and yet YOU! The TYRANT you are, banished me from their love."

"Hey bro, chill out your nose is starving the hall of oxygen as you yell man." Chibi half reasoned, half mocked.

"Damn, what that nose do though?" Giri said, unaware of the incredible cringe of that statement.

"ENOUGH I'LL TAKE ALL OF YOU!" The Nagnose screeched.

A tremendous suck lifted their small group off their feet and into the air. Nagzz desperately grasped at the edge of the nagNostil, but the relentless sniff continued to pull until one finger, then another, and another slipped. Finally his noodle arm grip was broken and he was sucked into the dark, hairy void of the huge schnozz. The Nagnose smiled viciously, its goal complete. "You banished me Nagzz yet I returned. Now let's see you return from my banishment."


"Ohh FUCK AM I DEAD?" Nagzz shouted at the sky. No. The unexpected answer echoed in his head, making him jump and spring to his feet as fast as his noodle limbs could manage.

Noodle limbs lvl1 achieved

Author's voice lvl1 gifted (to give Nagzz his goal and to continuously mock him)

"Ok breaking the 4th wall is good and all but are you sure you want to make it this obvious?"



"Ok...I guess." Nagzz shrugged.

Nagzz looked at his surroundings, his eyes travelling over distant mountains that broke the clouds, across the seemingly never ending grass plains to his right, and finally to the sparse forest in front of him.

"Wait, is this author's voice thingy just going to insult me throughout this series of short stories?"

Title skill captain obvious achieved


That Time a Huge Schnozz Sniffed me into a Different World.Where stories live. Discover now