Ep3 Milk??

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The Schnozzians looked his way, studying Nagzz nervously. After seeing his schnozz of epic proportions, they walked towards him waving friendly.

"Hey there friend I haven't smelt you before. Where do you hail from, elder?" They greeted.

Shocked at the perfect English and incredibly kind attitudes of the Schnozzians, Nagzz stared for a while. After two long minutes, the rusty cogs of his small mind started moving again and he finally came up with some sort of a response.

"Yo! Got any milk?" He shouted.

The Schnozzians looked at him frowning with concern and confusion.

"Joey, go let the elder know we have a guest, be sure to tell him that he wants milk." One of the Schnozzians ordered the smaller Schnozzian.

"Ok!" it replied, hopping away happily, while humming a familiar tune.

The Schnozzian then turned back to Nagzz placing one of its T-Rex arms on Nagzz's shoulder.

"Are you ok buddy? Do you have a name?"

"Err yea..things have just been a little weird for a while. I'm Nagzz."

""WHO OMEGALUL?!"" Both Schnozzians laughed at the sky together, making Nagzz jump and lean away from them.

"Hi Nagzz I'm Hex."

"WHO OMEGALUL?!" The other Schnozzian Bellowed.

Both Schnozzians then looked at Nagzz with even more concern.

"I'm Luffy216. Are you sure you're alright?" The other Schnozzian asked.

"WHO OMEGALUL?!" Hex laughed, halfway through Nagzz awkwardly joined in.

"Look, Nagzz, you've clearly had a really tough time. So we're gonna take you to see the elder, he is very good at helping people like you out." Hex consoled, guiding Nagzz towards the largest hut in their small village.

Pushing a red curtain out of the way, they entered the very simple abode. The floor was rough, compact dirt. At one corner was a pile of cushions on top of which sat a very old Schnozzian. This Schnozzian's nose was of a much more impressive size than the other Schnozzians Nagzz had seen. His hair was completely gone and his huge forehead was so wrinkled, it resembled a stormy sea.

"Ahh, bring him to me." The old Schnozzian croaked.

As ordered Hex and Luffy216 guided Nagzz to the cushions and beckoned to him to take a seat.

" My name is Resfenus."

""WHO OMEGALUL?!"" This time Nagzz failed to join in just looking very confused at the Schnozzians.

Resfenus opened one of his eyes, inspecting Nagzz more carefully.

"Hmm, that bad huh." Resfenus stroked his stubbled chin.

"Right, I guess there's nothing else for it. I shall look at his Status." He announced.

Breathing in, creating a light breeze as he did, Resfenus prepared his action.

"View status."

Suddenly Nagzz had the uncomfortable sensation of someone sniffing his entire body.

"WHAT?! YOU'RE HUMAN!?" Resfenus suddenly shouted, shaking with anger. Both Hex and Luffy216 flinched backwards, now wary of Nagzz. "But wait, what's this?"

A short silence followed as Resfenus old mind worked through the problem. He reached under the pillows pulling out an old book and started flicking through the pages.

"So now is the time." Resfenus muttered to himself. "It seems that you are the prophesied one Nagzz, it is written here that you shall lead this world to its golden age and save us from a great calamity."

"Huh? No I'm just here to get milk apparently."

"Akutually, it says it here in the book of offline bets." Resfenus argued, showing Nagzz the text.

Nagzz looked it over pretending to know what it said.

"Look, can I just get milk and go?" Nagzz sighed, giving up trying to understand.

"Ohh of course great saviour." Resfenus replied.

He slowly stood up, his limbs groaning more than Nagzz "chair" does when he moves. Shuffling to a shelf in the wall he picked up a wooden bucket and held it in front of him. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath he paused.

AAACHOOO! Resfenus sneezed a white substance into the bucket, then shuffled over to Nagzz and presented it to him.

"There you go this is the highest quality milk you can find."

"That.....is...milk?" Nagzz asked in disgust.

"Of course this is what you wanted right?" Resfenus answered, confused at Nagzz's hesitation.

"This is the milk I am looking for?"


Mihlk: a substance that's made in the noses of the Schnozzians and their subspecies. Mihlk can be used to manipulate the world around you to create miracle, like phenomena.

"Of course it isn't" Nagzz sighed.

"Do you not have any cow's milk?" He added hopefully

"No, that's something only humans have, if you want I can lend you a guide to lead you to the closest human settlement."

"Please, I really need to get out of this fever dream."

"Ceader, could you come here please, we have a job for you."

A door in the back of the hut opened, and out stepped Nagzz's perfect wifeu. Her long black hair flowed down past her shoulders, stopping just before her sizable bust. Her golden eyes seemed to flicker with intelligence and determination, emphasised by her confident posture. Her long legs lifted her height so it was just below Nagzz's, and her plump thighs squished beautifully together, forcing Nagzz to focus on not drooling all over the place.

"What is it elder?" She asked, her cool voice only alluring Nagzz further.

That Time a Huge Schnozz Sniffed me into a Different World.Where stories live. Discover now