Ep.12 Milk

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Nagzz stormed through the desert, his every step turning the sand to glass as his malding grew in power. Before long he left the desert sands behind him approaching the peaks of the great origin ridge that could be seen rising above the horizon. Having left a wake of destruction behind him, many brave individuals stepped in his way only for Nagzz to yell "EIGHT HOURS." Evaporating the poor souls that stood before him. Even the animals and innocents that stumbled into his way felt the immense wrath of Darth Malder.

As he reached the foothills of the humongous mountains of the Great Origin Ridge, Nagzz was confronted by an army of Balding monks. Every one of them held a clipper at the ready, vibrating with their own power. Before they had a chance to shout orders, Nagzz used his left hand throwing out a wide range hair hold, evaporating about a third of the army before him. The others braced their clippers in front of them only just blocking the attack. With his right hand Nagzz summoned his plastic rings onto his fingers. As he showed them off to the army, lazer beams shot out of them decimating the remaining monks.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY ABOUT THOSE RINGS?! PLASTIC RINGS WAS IT?!" Nagzz glared at the author, his eyes emitting a red light.

Whoa wait Nagzz I'm only describing the situation I can only speak the tr..

Nagzz used hair hold on the author, taking his time to slowly squeeze.

Nagzz stop i-if I can't tell t-the rest of t-the story y-you'll be st-stuck in limbo...please.

"Fine, you're safe for now, but things better be easier for me."

Ok-ok I'll do my best.

Nagzz released his hold and walked on. Ignoring a small village he walked toward the ocean. Just by the beach Nagzz barely made out a small farmstead, however as he approached he noticed a familiar face stepping out in front of his path.

"Nagzz this needs to stop." Shylily ordered.

"Out of my way Lily this doesn't concern you."

"With how angry my friend is I disagree Nagzz."

"This place has pushed me too far, Lily. Ever since I got here there's been joke after joke at my expense and every single event has forced me to embarrass myself or has just ended badly. You know Mooni threw me halfway across this damn place!"

"Listen Nagzz that sucks and all but you need to accept the balding. Otherwise you will destroy everything and live an awful life."


"Look I have accepted it." Lily took off her beautiful hair, revealing a very shiny egg-like head.

"Shut up fish, you can place that right back on with no problems!"

"Fish?! Alright Mr heroic!" Lily clapped back.

"Heroic?! Alright, Miss needs a babysitter!"

Lily gasped, deeply offended.

"Like you can talk Nagzz you need a babysitter too!"

"Yea well at least mine is my girlfriend."

"That's it! I was going to help you Nagzz but, nope, no more, this is war!"

Taking the initiative Nagzz used hair hold on Lily.

"Nice try." Lily smirked. Walking towards Nagzz she tore up hair regrowth ads, causing Nagzz to wince in pain.

Trying a new tactic Nagzz threw fake hair at her, which she simply batted away. Fighting back she started naming the numerous scientific studies that prove bald men are sexy, but before they could convince him Nagzz shook it off, reminding himself that his head could be a slightly abnormal shape. With only one more trick left, Nagzz used his pl...real rings...to shoot lasers at her, She simply bent forward using her bald head to reflect the lasers back at him.

Both realising that their malding powers wouldn't settle this fight they began to move. Lily retreated back towards the ocean as Nagzz charged her.

Nagzz came within striking distance, Lily stopped turning to her side forcing Nagzz to miss his first strike. A second later they were slapping at each other with both arms, while leaning their faces as far away as their inflexible bodies could manage.

"Stop itt."

"No you stop itt."

"Ohh hey Nagzz, Shylily." A gigachad voice spoke, ending their spat.


"Yo." He replied, taking a glup of milk from his glass.

"Is that..milk?" Nagzz asked amazed.

"Huh? Yeah, do you want some? There's a whole jug here." Gerg replied, gesturing to the table he was sitting at.

"Y-yeah.." Nagzz took a seat at the table as Gerg poured him a glass.

Taking the glass from Gerg a tear rolled out of his eyes.

Goal achieved.

A nagNose appeared behind Nagzz sniffing him back to the real world.

Moments later Fraiki, having sprinted from the fading forest all the way to the farm with a cup of coffee in her hand, stopped at the table panting.

"Huh? Nagzz??...Ohh FUCK!"


That Time a Huge Schnozz Sniffed me into a Different World.Where stories live. Discover now