Ep.7 The fading forest.

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Flying through the air Nagzz had a surprising amount of time to think about how things got to this point. Being sniffed into a different world was something he had never even imagined, yet here he was. He realised that this whole series of events was started when he banished the nagnose emote from chat. There was a microscopic part of him that regretted getting rid of chat's favourite emote, but giving into the chat's demand to bring it back just wasn't happening. Not just because he hates the emote but also, and mostly, because bringing it back would feel like he was nulling the victory that allowed him to banish it in the first place.

That small amount of reminiscing took up about twenty minutes of his flying, it is Nagzz after all. For the next five minutes he started screaming, after all despite how unusually calm he was, flying through the air with no control is incredibly scary. Growing bored he stopped screaming, after all, despite being a pro at making absurdly loud noises for the smallest reason, chat wasn't there to laugh at him so it didn't fulfil his masochistic tendencies. Another five minutes later he heard some mumbled Spanish being spoken very quickly. Unable to look and see where the noise was coming from, Nagzz just listened as the sound got louder and louder until.

"OOF!" Nagzz collided with something large, round and a little bit squishy.

With all his momentum gone he fell. Screaming as he did he grasped on to the hairy object he had collided with. They crashed through a heavy foliage landing cleanly into a very conveniently set up netting. Even after they were safely suspended in the air, the pair continued to scream and grasp on to each other tightly.

A few minutes of screaming later, the larger gentleman came to his senses and started to swear in spanish.

"*Spanish swearing*, wait Nagzz?!" He yelled.

"KoeKoe?!" Nagzz yelled back, after ending his endless screaming.

"Ohh am I happy to see you!" Koe, still yelling, grabbed Nagzz in a bear hug.

"Ow ow ow ow." Nagzz wheezed as his old bones creaked under the pressure.

"All I need to do now is save your dumb ass."

"Save me?"

"Yea, when I was first sniffed into this hell hole, this weird British voice told me that saving you is my goal. I've been wandering around his forest for what feels like a week." Koe explained, losing himself a little in his excitement. "And then you crashed into me out of nowhere while I was flying above the trees."

"You can fly?!"

"Yea all Puerto Ricans can fly once a day."

"Damn you got a good power."

"Got? No. This ability is in our genes. Even outside of this place we...ohh." Koe stopped half sentence having realised he had revealed a great Puerto Rican secret.

"What you're kidding!?" Nagzz exclaimed half doubting his bear-like friend.

"Listen Nagzz." Koe warned, staring seriously into Nagzz's eyes, while pulling him close enough to kiss his huge nose. "You must never reveal this secret to anyone."

"Only an absolute fool would reveal this in a story allowing their readers to learn the truth about us." Koe threatened, looking in a very particular direction angrily.

...All I ask is to be cremated...

"Ok ok I swear I never will." Nagzz agreed, as Koe's serious expression replayed in his head.

"Good." Koe nodded as he moved away.

The pair still sat on the net, looked around the forest seeing nothing but trees and a couple of nature trails. They shuffled to the edge of the net and dropped off. By the time Koe had decided on a direction to walk Nagzz was already disappearing into the foliage.

That Time a Huge Schnozz Sniffed me into a Different World.Where stories live. Discover now