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Tine's POV

I came back to my apartment. I was panting. I can't believe what's going around me. I get in the bedroom and close it tightly, sit on the floor,arms around my knees. Thinking what's happened in last one hour.

Did he really confessed? He was in love with me too? He kissed me?? He holds a small birthday party for me? He called me boyfriend? He called me baby??????

Things are going around my mind. I was blushing, thinking of everything. I will burst out now.

Godddd, am I going to sleep with him now? Is there anything on his mind? no no ... That won't. I need some time to digest everything around me.

I was in a trans. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Sarawat.

"Tine, aren't you coming? Or you wanna me there?"

"I'm coming, coming in few minutes,nah"

I hangs up the call.

I took a deep shower to cool down my head, but nothing happened. My overthinking makes it more hotter.
I still can't believe it. Sarawat. He become mine.
I wore a white night suit. I already looked a million times if it suits me perfect or not. Sarawat was consistently messaging me.
I went to his apartment. He was wearing a  sky blue night suit. God he is damn hot.

"Baby, shall we sleep?"

"Yup... I gues..." I said.

Sarawat tugged into the bed. I was still looking wheather I should sleep.

"Baby, come here. Sleep nah, it's too late".

"Sarawat, we are..."

"I know, it a bit too fast. Let's progress it step by step. I think we should go for a date first nah?"

I don't know how to react. This was waving in my mind when he asked me to sleep with him. He understands me soo much. God,why he's soo cute?

"Are you not sleeping baby? Why are you still standing there?"

"Wat , I want to cuddle with you." I said.

He looked and smiled at me. "Come babe,you cutie. Come,hug me tightly."

I rushed to him and hugged tightly. I feel like home when I hugged him. He was ruffling my hair.

We slept together...
When I woke up, Sarawat was tightly hugging me. I can't move a bit. I feel like butterflies are flying around me. Suddenly his phone rang.

Sarawat woke up and give me a quick peck on my lips. Then he attended the call. It was his mom .

After few minutes,he came back with a pouted face.

"What happened Wat? Anything bothering you?"

"Yesterday,due to my sorrows, when I came back from the party, I told mae that I will come over at hometown. I totally forgot about it after your arrival. Now she reminded me about it and I must go there babe."

I feel  suddenly emotional when I heard that. But that didn't reflect on my face. I tried to smile.

"Wat, mae misses you. So you should meet her nah . "

"So you don't miss me?"

I tooo miss you so bad dear... But mae also want nah. This was on my mind. But I said another.

"Who misses you? We just only started dating,huh? " I smirked.

Wat suddenly hold on my waist tightly.

"So you are saying that you don't miss me,huh? Then I'm leaving now,to hometown."

"Yeah, then leave, let's see." I told.

"So you don't agreeing nah? "




"Wanna come with me?"


"Are you sure?"


"Then let's do one thing. Don't miss me or call me from now onwards, until I came back. If you win the bet , I will do whatever you say. Or if I win , I guess, ......"

"Okay then, I agree, but what's your victory prize?"

"I think if I win, you can't walk"

"Ai saraleo...."

Sarawat was giggling. And I my cheeks become crimson red.

I said"so we are having a long distance relationship, right?"

"So you already missed me?" He giggled.

"I don't miss you and we didn't start our bet yet."

"So then when I leave, our bet is officially started, ok?

"Okay done"


It was about 9 am and Sarawat is packing some clothes and essentials. I was looking him soo curiously.   So he is serious in the bet. I can't believe that he is leaving me for 3 days,no it's 3 years. 3 years for me. I don't think I can win. But anyway this game is nice. I guess.

"Why are you spacing out babe? Missing me?" Sarawat smirked.

"I was thinking of my hospital work, nothing about you." I lied.

"Okay then, it's time. So I'm leaving."

"Okay then see......" I curved to give him a hug. But he leaned away.

I was shocked. Totally shocked. I looked at him. He just smiled.

"It's time Tine, I will be late. I'm leaving na" he left.

I was still standing there and digesting what's happened just now. Is he really avoided me ? He avoided the hug. He didn't give good bye kiss. He just called me Tine instead of  'babe' . How he could be do that? Game on ,huh? He is competing with me,huh? Let's see what happens.

I was tooo pissed and too sad. It's only one hour he left and I become too sad . Maybe I... I began to overthink. I couldn't imagine that our first day of relationship was like a long distance relationship. But look at him. He didn't miss me.

Yeah I agree. I am missing him now. Damn missing him. I can't take it. I need to call now it. No,no,noooooo Tine. That's defeat. Don't do that.

Confused. Totally confused. I think I should go to hospital now. That can change my mind. I guess.

To be continued...


Hope you all like this chapter.

Stay safe and blessed.....💖💖💖

Author 😇

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