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Tine's pov

It's beach.

"Wat , Why we are here?"

"Babe, you once told me that you wanna go for a date with me in a beach, right? So I planned our date here. I was planning this a while ago. Thanks for Man and P'Type. They help me a lot today. Come on Babe, let's go "

I was speechless. I don't know whether I should say sorry for being angry or say love you to him.

"Babe, what's on your mind? You are surprised, right?" He was smiling at me.

I suddenly hugged him tightly. Like he can't breathe.

"Babe, what's....."

"I'm so sorry Wat. I got anger because you didn't take my call, that makes me worry about you. And I love you sooo much Wat. Sooo sooo much..."

"Babe, I love you too."

"(coughs) What's going on here? You both are making love here??" Man came and ask.

"Man , you are here?"

"Not only me, your brother is also here" Says Man

Sarawat was still hugging me tightly.

"Aiiii, stop it Sarawat. Go and enjoy your date there. P'Type is arranging something for you guys." Man chuckled.

I was little blushing.

"Babe, let's see their ' arrangements '"

"Okay Wat."

It was such a sweet ambience there. Man and P'Type workout a lot. There was a table with beautiful roses and candles. The sun was setting down. A light wind is also blowing.

"Wooooh, it's amazing Wat, tooo sweet and romantic."

"You like it?"

"Yeah Wat, very much. I loved it."

"Then please be seated my darling"

"You are being cheesey Wat"

" I have this romantic version too my babe. You are the only one who can enjoy this"

I was blushing badly. This Wat, always like this.

We had the long date, talking to each other, feeding each other, having wine and Wat played 'Deep' for me. He bought his guitar secretly.
We had a colourful evening that day.
1 year later.....

"Wat , wake up fast. You are going to be late today. Wake up.

"Five more minutes Babe. Let me sleep nah "

"It's 8 am and you still going to sleep like this? You have a meeting today, right?"

"Ohh God, it's 8 already. I'm up. But babe...."

"What happened??"

"Are you okay, babe? Yesterday I was tooo..."

"I'm perfectly fine. And you?"

"I'm always fine. Babe."

Suddenly Sarawat come close to me and hug from back which I always love. I smiled.

"Hey, what's up? Too clingy."

"I wanna be with you always...."

"I'm always yours babe."

He slightly hold my face and come close to me. He was going to kiss and suddenly door knocks.

"Damn. Who the hell is there at this early morning?"

"Let me go  and check it Wat."

"Ruined my mood!!"

I laughed.

When I opened the door,it was Man and P'Type.

"You guys?? Get in..
Wat ,Man and P'Type is here."

Sarawat came out from the room like he is not interested.

Man said," it's looks like we are not welcomed here, right Sarawat??"

"Ohh stop it Man. Tell them the matter" P'Type said.

"What matter?? " It was Sarawat.

"Here's the thing, we are getting married " Both of them said.

"Woooh, congratulations both of you. Finally you guys....." I said

"Man , seriously, you are getting married??" Sarawat asked.

"Why are you doubting me, Sarawat. I'm getting married to my love of my life."

Then Man hugged Type.

I feel so happy and surprised of them. When I turned to Sarawat,he  smiled and went to kitchen for making them coffee.

I moved to him and suddenly I checked the watch. It's late.

I suddenly took my belongings and bid everyone a good bye. Then I rushed to hospital.

Today was a tiring day for me. Two surgeries, more patients.... It was really a tiring day.

I think I'm a bit late than ever maybe Sarawat would already came back. But why didn't he called me till now??

When I entered the apartment, it was soo calm and quiet. It feels scary a bit.
Where the hell this Wat went??

I called him but he didn't answer.
God ,he always makes me worried.

Suddenly I found a letter. I took it and read


I got some work with this Man. He wanna do some surprise arrangements for your brother. And he is asking my help. Their wedding is held on a private island far away from there and I'm going there. So I won't be able to text or call you for a week. This island has poor connection. Don't  feel bad nah babe. I will be back soon and we can go for the wedding together.

Love you sooo much my babe......



AN: About to end up this fanfic 🥺🥺🥺

One more CHAPTER to go..

orry if I made some mistakes ( I didn't get time to edit all🙃)

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