Chp 5. Cookies and Concern

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Eda's POV:

"Eda, tell me what's wrong?"

"Wha-what do you mean?" I questioned, I've been happy for the past hour.

"You've been acting weird all day."

Shit- I can't tell them, not yet! I spiral into intrusive thoughts and feathers begin to sprout again.

"Eda please, a CANT help if you don't communicate with me-" a hurt whine form in they're voice. Gah! I hate it when they're upset!

"I just- everything is so much at the moment!" I begin to sob. Sure it's not the reason I'm acting weird but it's why I've not been feeling myself.

"The- the curse! It's ruined my life raine! My mom tried to get the healing c-covern t-to c-cut it out of m-me!" I began to sob harder and my eyes turned black the darkness on my stone grew. "I'm sorry Raine- I'm sorry. I just want everything to-"

"Don't-" they said wrapping their arms around me
"Don't you ever finish that sentence! Eda I love you owl Beast and all. Your my best friend. Nothing can can change that. And your mom's letting her fear take over her judgment. Your safe with me." They laid a kiss on my head and I smiled. My eyes went back to normal and I began to calm myself.

"Y-yeah friends-" I sniffled.

"Come on. Let's make the cookies." Raine says waving the bowl in my face.

"Oh and Eda?"


"Feathers look good on you." They wink and walk over to the counter.

I- did they just?!

Raine's POV:

D-Did I just flirt with her?! Eda claw thorn! Star player of the grudgby team?! My best fucking friend. Oh holy titan! Raine you fool!

"Wh-what I meant was- they match your uniform-"

"Oh- thanks." Eda said wha red face. Was she blushing?! Oh did I embarrass her?!

"So- we need flour, griffin eggs, griffin's milk, sugar crystals, chocolate chips, Penut butter, and yeast."

"Why spasticity griffin's?" Eda questioned me.

"I've been searching for the perfect combination, griffin's is the best I've found so far, yet Penut is the best for the smooth texture." I stated shaking the milk bottle with a smug look on my face. (Matt patt acting ass)

"Pfft- dork." Eda murmured with a smirk and she got the griffin eggs.

"Hey! I heard that! Ya dingas."

"So the great Raine whispers can't take being called out for being a dork? How petty."

"Eda! Stop! The others are gonna here! I whined.

Eda just smirked and cracked eggs and milk into a bowl.

"Raine, do you like girls?" Eda questioned.

"Oh! Yeah, a lot, I find a lot of the upper class girls hot. But there's this one in particular in our year that I got my eye on." I blushed hoping he didn't realise who I was talking about. I'm just not ready to ask her to grom! She's my best friend!

"Neat-" Eda said with a twinge of pain in her voice.

"You alright? Be honest Eda."

"I'm fine." She reassured me. "Just wondering who the group king or queen or Mx are gonna be! There's gonna be two picked this year!" She stated. Her giddy voice made me less worried.

"Yeah. It's crazy, first time in twenty years!" I say cracking a griffin egg into the mix followed by two half cups milk.

Eda's POV:

Dam rainstorm really knows how to make, I've never seen a batter the looks like a mosaic with the way it glistens.

Mines just a lumpy slop.

"Hahaha! Eda try using a spoon!" They pass my one giggling they're head off. "Whisks aren't as good as hand or machine mixing. You
Need a perfect 30%-70% air to batter ratio for the perfect mixture!"

"Jeez Raine I didn't need a whole lecture." I teased sticking me tongue out at them.

"Oh hush! We need to make that cookies."

"Whatever." I mumble using a spoon, to my surprise it made a vast difference. Why are they always right?!

"Just chemistry." They stated as if they had read my mind.


"Read it over your face." They smirked and winked.

I grabbed a tiny bit of flour and threw it at they're ear, that's we're they are that most ticklish.

"Hey!" They said grabbing a handful and throwing it at my face.

We l look laughed and kept throwing flour at one another.

Then then pinned me and shoved flour on my face.

"H-hey! No fair!" I giggle pushing him off and smearing some on his face.

"Okay okay! Truce! We're covered in flour."

"Sorry..pfft-" I snicker. They look like they've been dunked in snow. Or hyperpolly powder. Mum would kill me if she knew I knew what that stuff was.

Leant it the hard way while jokingly eating a hyperpolly puff pod flower during a hike with Raine as a joke. Saw rainbows for two solid hours.

"Soooo, while the cookies are being baked let's go back upstairs. We should probably clean up." They said gesturing to our clothes.

"Uh yeah- you go first."

"No need." Raine assured. "There's a spare bathroom next to the bards of light book collection, the one one my parents fancy little table.

"Okay! See you afterwards! I'll help clean up!" I run upstairs and grab my spare towel. Ignoring the questioning glances from Lilith and my friends then proceed to the bathroom.
Word Count: 902

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