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Jang Wonyoung POV:

I hop onto my bed and lie face first into my pillow for 2 seconds. Then I giggle and kick my feet. I'm like a girl in middle school who has a crush! I grab my penguin plushie. "You really know your ways Park Sunghoon, making a poor girl all lovesick," I say to it. "Yoohoo are really cute. UGH you know you're way around words you loud introvert!" I squish its cheeks. "And then you walk off and pretend you did nothing." I throw the plushie towards the door, only for Yunjin unnie to catch it. "Wonnie, are you ok?" She asks me, voice laced with concern. "No!" I whine, shoving my face into my pillow again, and kick my feet. "Wanna talk about it?" She replies, and I nod. She walks out of my room, only to bring back chocolates. I grab one from her hand and stuff it into my mouth. "It's just that gosh darn Park Sunghoon and his good-looking ass!" I complain, and she looks at me surprised. "Park Sunghoon, Wonyoung what did he do to you?" She inquires. "After Like played for random dance, and then he didn't get it right. So when I teased him about it, he comes up to me, squishes my cheeks, flirts with me with the most attractive ass tone and face, then walks off like it was nothing!" I exclaim, and Yujin unnie's eyeballs pop out. "Wait wait wait, first you did random dance. With like the rest of HYBE?" She asks, and I nod. "Yes, and Gaeul unnie got us a coffee truck." I stuff another chocolate into my mouth. "Ok.. and second what the hell do you mean he came up to you, squished your cheek, and then flirted and walked off?" She questions. "Well ya know that little Music Bank skit when we had our comeback and ya know got offended and said how he didn't like me?" She nods "So after he failed to do the dance, I had said those lines as a joke, to tease him. And then he comes up to me, brings his face like SUPER close to me" I start, and Yujin inches closing, wanting to know what happens next "And says "Yoohoo are really cute ya know" " She throws the penguin at me "SHUSH, REALLY?!" She exclaims, I nod. "YEAH REALLY! And then he says "Should I have accessorized my outfit with a bunny?" AND HAS THE AUDACITY TO WALK AWAY LIKE IT WAS NOTHING." Yujin shakes me "OMG FIGHTING GURL!" She squeals. "YOU ARE MY SUN AND HOON!" Liz cheered, coming out of now where. All my members start piling into my room. "And you didn't tell us this before?" Gaeul questions, acting hurt. "Well, why don't you tell us about Heeseung-sshi? Or is he my hal-abeoji now?" I snap back with. All eyes go onto Gaeul unnie. "You two have a lot of explaining to do." Yujin states, and signals us to go to the living room.

"Ok, your turn Gaeul unnie." I say, after explaining the whole thing to them. She sighs. "Ok so it's nothing, when we were dancing to HOT, he and I randomly started talking." She explains. "CAN I CALL HIM HAL-ABEOJI?" Leeseo pips out of nowhere, and we burst out laughing as Gaeul reddens up. "Yes, and Sunghoon-sshi is now your cheonam." Gaeul bites back. I stick my tongue out to her, and she playfully hits me. "Alrighty, we all had an action-filled day, let's go to sleep." Yujin states, and we all follow her orders, retiring to our respective rooms.

I stare up at my ceiling, not an ounce of sleep coming to my eyes. I turn to grab my phone, seeing whatever's trending. I scroll through Instagram a bit, before my eyes land on an ENHYPEN post. It's him, in a red turtleneck with a golden chain. And dang I want that black coat.


Oh no no no no I did not just like the post and comment "Dang I want that coat ❤️" WITH A RED HEART. I rub my eyes and make sure it's not just them playing tricks on me. It isn't. Oh to the archons above, I close my eyes and let my phone drop onto my face, groaning. It vibrates. I ignore the notification, letting my phone slide down my face for a bit, then check it out.

A/N ok disclaimer this might get a little steamy because it is hot. Feel free to skip if you feel uncomfortable, as this is not a key part of the story. A friend suggested it, and I thought I should maybe experiment around with these types of stuff.

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