Chapter 4 - Fight or Flight

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It was around 8PM on a Thursday night. Spike is laying in bed in his motel room, typing away at his phone. He and Remmy have been texting each other all day about Roxie's disappearance and Truck's critical state in the hospital. They've never felt so defeated before. They couldn't even attempt to hang out together in case another incident like this happens to one of them. Remmy and his parents keep quiet around TJ about the whereabouts of his parents. He was told a white lie in saying that both Truck and Roxie were taking a vacation away from town for a few days, and asked Remmy to babysit him until then. Even if TJ ever found out about the lie, it was only to protect him.

The police are still on the case about the kidnapper, who Spike suspects is the robin who he thought was Truck's neighbor. Although given a vivid description without a name, some detective work was underway. In the meantime, Spike forces himself to stay hidden in the motel room. He would basically starve himself, with minimal drinks and snacks he bought from the vending machine with the left-over cash he had on him, especially only being able to afford at least two more nights at the motel. He would try to stay at Remmy's house afterwards, but TJ being there already is enough of a party as it is, and Spike just couldn't bring himself to come face to face with him. Remmy waited until after dinner to call up Spike, so he locked his room door and dialed his best friend.

"Hey, man." , greeted Remmy. "How are you holding up in the motel, bud?"
"It could be worse.", answered Spike. "What about you and TJ?"
"We're both fine. My parents and I are keeping him occupied for the most part."
"Good. I have no idea how he's gonna figure out the truth about his parents."
"He hasn't asked about them for a while. My mom has been driving him to and from school, and is mostly busy with his schoolwork."
"Okay, at least that's something." Spike sighed to himself, reassuring himself.
"Well, how's that motel room, dude? About as shitty as that old apartment?"
"Ugh, it's even worse. Saw two cockroaches doing the dirty by the corner yesterday. Hope to not see the children."
"Heh. Gross."
Spike gets up and looks up at the television. "Hey, you've been watching the news lately, right?"
"Yea. Roxie is getting very popular with her being missing and all. Same for Truck."
"I hope TJ isn't in the same room as the broadcast."
"Haha, no. Mom unplugged all the TVs and said the cable was out. Been checking on my phone for the news."
Spike sighed again. "Ugh. I just don't know what to do now. Still waiting for the hospital to call me back about Truck's injuries."
"Don't worry, man. He'll be back and up in no time!"
"Yea...I hope so, Rem."
Remmy took a second to respond back. "Oh, sorry, man, I gotta go! TJ wants to play some fighting game that just came out the other day, and has been begging me to 1v1 him. Stay safe, bro."
"Yea, you too."

Spike finishes the call and lays his phone on the bed. Looking at his face in the mirror, he can see he's not looking too healthy with his appearance. His stomach growls, but muscles through the pain. He takes the time to relax a bit by taking a long shower. Thirty minutes later, as Spike comes out from the bathroom, his cell phone rings. He looked at the number, and his eyes widened. It was the hospital. He quickly accepted the call.

"Ah- hello?", Spike answered.
"Yes, this is Dr. Cuda from the hospital.", the doctor greeted. "Am I speaking to Mr. Murdoch?"
"Uh- y-yes! Is my friend doing okay, doctor?"
"Don't worry, Mr. Stonewell is doing fine on his recovery, and is sleeping with the medication we gave him. We're calling to inform you that he will have to stay here at the hospital for a few more days, but you're free to come down and see him when visiting hours are open tomorrow."
Spike let out a big relief of air. "Oh, thank, god! Thank you so much, doc! I'll be there at the earliest tomorrow morning!"
"Very well. I'll inform Mr. Stonewell as soon as I can. You have a good night's rest, Mr. Murdoch."
"Yea, you too, doc."
Hanging up the phone, Spike feels the weight off his shoulders and finally loosens up. He texts Remmy about him visiting Truck tomorrow, and he's free to come along after TJ gets dropped off at school tomorrow. He readies himself to bed and has a decent goodnight sleep.

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