Chapter 17 - Birthday Surprise

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It was around the time of every year where TJ became the most joyous bird around. Seeing his birthday was coming up in a couple more days, he told all his friends and other classmates about the party his parents will be holding at his house, filled with many balloons, games, food, presents and everything else alike. TJ handed out invitations to everyone in his early morning homeroom. Most of his friends were looking forward to the party, aside from one other kid, who also had the same birthday as TJ, but never made a big deal out of it. TJ walked up to him, ready to give him his invitation, when the kid slapped it from his hand, startling TJ.
"H-Hey! What was that for?", TJ questioned, feeling antagonized.
"I don't want your invitation, you dweeb.", answered the mean kid. "You know it's also MY birthday that day too, right?"
TJ had no idea, since his classmate never really brought it up to anyone to boot. Aside from getting angry at his kid's temper, he picked up the invitation from the ground, stacking it back with the other letters.
"Is it?", asked TJ. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. Um, h-happy early birthday to you then."
The kid scuffed. "Don't even start with that."
"Dude, why are you being so mean? It's your own fault for not telling anyone about your birthday."
"How about you just shut up, and leave me alone, okay?"
The kid with the bad temper threw his hoodie up, not speaking another word to TJ. The teacher alerted the class for everyone to take their seats, as class was about to begin. TJ was a bit hesitant, but he left the poor kid alone for the day, hoping it was only a minor issue between them. He felt bad about it, of course, but he couldn't really do anything about it.

As the school day went on, ending with the final school bell, TJ and his class packed up their belongings and heading to the exit, waiting to be picked up by their legal guardians. Truck was there, waiting for his son to walk out the front door. He dashed toward his father with a heavy backpack and threw it in the backseat of their car. Truck tussled TJ's head, as he helped his son up inside and buckled his seatbelt, as TJ insisted that he can do it himself. Truck obliged, knowing his son knows what he's doing. He started up the car, and drove off away from the school grounds.
"Well, son, how was school today?", asked the fatherly crow.
"Ah, it was alright, dad!", replied TJ. "I passed around my invitations for my birthday party to everyone...well, 'almost' everyone."
"Almost? Uh-oh, did someone not want to come?"
"Um... you can say that. It was this kid who always sat in the back in every class I'm in with him. I think his name is Axel? He told me he also had the same birthday as I did, but I didn't know!"
"Ah, I see. Poor kid. Must have been awkward in giving him one of your letters, huh?"
"Uh... he did smack it from my hand, so-"
"He did what?! TJ, don't let him hit you like that again! That's how kids like you get bullied and picked on so easily!"
"Dad, chill! I don't think he had any bad intentions in doing it. He just felt annoyed by it, I guess."
"Ugh... well, if you say so, but I don't want those kids treating you like that. I would have to have a word with the kid's parents if things got more serious."
"Yeah, dad, I gotcha."

Having a now silent, but awkward car ride all the way home, TJ spotted his mother in the front yard, attending to her overgrown flower bed. He got out of the car and ran toward her.
"H-hey, you forgot your bag, son!", Truck scolded.
"Grab it for me, pop!", yelled TJ. "I gotta tell mom something!"
Truck sighed, grabbing TJ's backpack from the backseat. Roxie turned around, waving to her husband and greeted her son with a smile on her face.
"Why, hello there, little man!", welcomed Roxie. "I can tell you're pretty excited for your upcoming birthday party soon, right?"
"Heck yeah! I invited everyone I could to come to the party!"
"Ah, good to hear! I can't believe you're turning nine. Seems like yesterday I was cradling you in my arms from the hospital the day you were born. Gosh, you were such a little cutie. Literally the happiest day of my life!"
"And MINE.", Truck exclaimed, handing the hefty pack to his son.
"Oh, yeah, you were there too, huh?", jokingly teased the raven.
"Heh, well I did put you in there to begin with."
"Oh, my god, Truck. Not in front of our son."
TJ, confused on what they were referring to, nearly lost the question he had to ask his mother.
"Oh, mom! Been meaning to ask you! Were you able to get a hold of Captain BlueByrd for my party? He's been my hero since I was a kid! I always loved watching his show, and it's been my dream to meet him in person!"

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