Chapter 13 - Hopeful Miracles

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Spike was still worried about Autumn nearly running into her father at the theater yesterday. It was the first time he had seen him briefly in person; only hearing his deep growling voice from underneath the docks. He sounded tough and menacing, but can tell that he really cares for his daughter. He texted Autumn the next day to make sure that she was okay, but he hasn't heard anything from her as of the moment. He tried calling her once he got up, but received a missed call. He wondered if Autumn had even turned her phone back on from last night. He didn't know, but he couldn't do anything at the moment, and that really worried the poor hedgehog.

Remmy was on Spike's PC, looking through his social media to pass the time. He read through news articles and posts about the car incident that had happened last night. The family involved in the car crash were identified and their faces were shown. He looked over the portraits and saw the son's face, immediately recognized who it was. It was the same young boy who gave Remmy his fidget cube by the pharmacy. It took him by surprise, seeing that he was just talking with this kind soul only just yesterday. He let out a tear, grasping the fidget cube in his fist, hoping that he is at least pain-free from the horrible fate the young boy and his parents succumbed to. He turned off the PC, not being able to handle any more news for the day. He got up, drying his tears, and threw his crutch on the ground. He knew that he also could've had the same fate from when he and his mother had their accident, resulting in his mother with a blow to the head and Remmy only suffering a major fracture to his leg. It could've been a lot worse, he thinks to himself. At least he and his mother survived, and he was thankful for that. He can only hope for his mother's immediate recovery from her comatose state.

Spike walked in the living room, holding two cold soda cans, handing one to Remmy. He sat next to him on the couch, cracking his can open with a loud pop and fizz sizzling in the air.
"Man, what a shitty morning.", said Spike.
"Yeah, it is.", replied Remmy. "It's just insane how that little boy that gave me this stupid cube ended up being on the news, pronounced dead along with his parents. Life fucking blows."
"It's a weird coincidence, for sure, but I guess the 'big guy upstairs' has a sick sense of humor."
"Heh. Amen, brother."

Remmy opened up his tab and clanged his can to Spike's as they both gulped down the refreshing beverage. They led out a simultaneous belch, which made them laugh a bit. It was soon quiet again, as the two hedgehogs leaned back on the couch, looking at the television, muted for their convenience. A few minutes go by, as Spike sees Remmy tapping away at his phone, playing one of those mobile games to pass the time. It's just odd for Spike to see his friend, who used to be so chipper, silly and full of energy throughout all his life, now reduced to a nearly sad, depressed and defeated man, almost like Spike was. He hated how similar in pain Remmy was in. They were both nearly different in some more ways than one, but they both stuck with each other for most of their lives. He wanted to say something to fill the quiet void, but Spike's phone rang in his pocket, which startled him a bit. He pulled out his phone, seeing that it was Lenny calling.
"Oh, It's my boss. I gotta take this, Rem.", Spike intruded.
"Hm? Oh, go ahead, man.", Remmy said, not looking up from his phone.

Spike got up and entered the hallway, answering the incoming call. "Hey, Len. Sorry I haven't called back sooner. I'll have the store open up later. I was just taking care of my friend. He was in a terrible accident the other day, and I haven't been able to go into work, and-"
"Whoa there, Spike!", Lenny interrupted. "It's okay, I was just calling to let you know I have another guy taking your spot for the store today. You're good, my man."
Spike sighed in relief. "S-sorry, boss."
"You sound really distressed, though. What happened to your friend?"
Spike explained the details to Lenny about Remmy's car accident and the events taking place after. Lenny felt terrible after hearing the news, but reassured Spike that everything will be okay. He was a calm and collected whale, but he understood when people were in mental pain like Spike and Remmy.
"I'm very sorry to hear about all this.", Lenny said. "Just know I'll be back from my vacation in two days. Just hang tight. Thank you so much for taking care of my store for as long as you did. I'll even give you paid time off tomorrow."
Spike gasped a little. "Whoa, are you sure? I don't mind coming in to work."
"Not a problem. You just take care of your friend. I'll see you when I get back. Oh, and wish me luck on today's surfing competition! I'll definitely need it."
"Surfing competition? Oh, yeah, you did mention that to me before you left. Well, hell yeah, I'll be cheering you on from here!"
"Haha, thanks! I'll leave you to it, then. See you back at work, Spike."

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