Seven of Spades

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Worried, you slowly entered the doors for the large apartment complex, and entered the waiting room. You were confused. Everyone in all of Japan had disappeared in seemingly a moment. One minute, you were taking pictures with your friends after a day out, and the next, everyone was gone. It was just you, all alone. Since the morning had turned to night, you scoured the city, trying to find anything that might even hint to what had happened. But you found nothing. Instead, the city got darker, with no lights to brighten the empty streets, and you became frightened. As you found a building for shelter, you noticed a light beacon in the sky. It seemed like you needed to go there. After all, this was the only light in the area, and wether it was dangerous or not didn't matter to you, you had to atleast see what it was.

You entered the building. You scanned the room, making note of every person there, looking closely at their faces, their clothes, their expressions. You were surprised to see other people here, but you didn't show it, because you still didn't know what this was, and why you were all gathered here. There was a few men and a few women, some of which looked pretty young, and some which were mid-aged. One boy was extremely panicked, constantly asking questions, to which nobody replied. Because of his constant worry, this had you become anxious too, and think about wether coming here was a good decision or not. Maybe if you had just stayed put, you could've woken up from this dream, and go back to your normal life again. Next to you was a boy with long blonde faded hair, and a white hoodie covering most of his face. As you stood next to him, he had slightly turned his head, making eye contact with you, and holding it for a second too long, just long enough to make it uncomfortable, before looking away again.

You noticed a small table with a few phones on it. Then, as you looked around, you saw that everyone else was holding one, so it only made sense that you take one too. But you were still wary. You saw a young woman with short hair stood on the other side to you, and decided to ask her. "Are we supposed to take a phone?" You quietly asked her. She looked up at you and stayed silent, only giving you a small nod in response. You meekly whispered "thanks" before walking over to the table. You grabbed a black phone and walked back towards the wall. As a few more people arrived, a voice spoke over the speakers. "The game will now start, players have five minutes before the tagger begins" Your heart sank as you heard those words. Players? What did she mean by players? Was this a game you were playing? And who is the tagger? You had so many questions but the timer on your phone had begun counting down from 5 minutes, and everyone around you and started running in all different directions. You wanted to turn around and leave, but something inside of you was telling you that staying was the only option. "Everyone hide!" You heard a man yelling as he ran past you.

Your heart rate picked up and you started running up the stairs and over to a balcony. You were now on the first floor, and there were about seven floors in total. If you had any chance to hide, hiding on the top level was probably the best way to go about it. You started running, the adrenaline and fear making you forget the fact that you were running up so many flights of stairs and not feeling tired. As you reached the top floor, you stopped to catch your breath and checked your phone. Two minutes remaining. Your eyes darted up and scanned the floor. The best option was the edge of the balcony on the farthest side of the building, that way no one could sneak up on you. Though, this also meant you wouldn't have anywhere to run, and would be cornered immediately, but the fact that it was on the top floor meant you could easily have eyes on the tagger and run if you saw them approaching your level. You quickly weighed up your options and ran to the balcony, standing right in the corner, with your back against the wall. You took a moment to calm down and checked your phone again. 1 minute. You shot your head up as you heard footsteps, only to see the blonde boy approaching where you were stood. He looked up from the floor and his eyes almost widened ever so slightly. A small smirk creeped onto his face. "So you thought of coming here too, huh? Clever move" he said, and stood against the balcony, peering over at the other floors. His long hair blew around in the wind, past his hood. "I don't understand what's happening. Is this a game? Why are we playing a game?" You asked, genuinely confused. "You'll see soon enough" He monotonously spoke. The speaker chimed, and then a voice spoke, "the game will now commence"

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