Chapter 4 - A Perfectly Disastrous Dinner

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Mr. Hart droned on about work, something about how they should be more effective in their repairs, but Keira barely even heard him.

His voice was nothing more than background noise, something indistinct that would've kept on whirring even if the world was falling apart around them. 

All her focus was set on nodding and humming in the correct places, which basically meant whenever Mr. Hart paused to breathe.

Oh, how she wished she could've switched places with Nikato at this moment. He had followed her out of the kitchen, but settled down on one of the armchairs and was now snoozing calmly with his head up on the armrest.

Keira wasn't the only one who wasn't particularly entertained by work talk, because Mrs. Hart was also very quiet, glancing around the room for something worthy of her attention.

"If we become more effective in our repairs, we can increase the prices plus earn twice as much in time." Mr. Hart finished off, looking very pleased by his conclusion.

Blinking rather quickly to make the world come into focus again, Keira met her boss' eyes. "And that would mean..?" She hadn't heard a single word, but the end of that sentence had sounded like it needed something more than an agreeable hum.

Mr. Hart's face fell slightly, and for a second, he looked a bit crestfallen. "Which means the company would prosper..." He seemed to collect himself, and once again, the rather hardened expression painted his face again. "You're awfully dense, aren't you, Keira?"

"Ah, but of course!" Keira smiled, and it didn't fade as the other sentence left his lips. Instead, she simply shrugged. "Perhaps, but I'm still your most efficient employee. None of the others could bring the old hot rod in the garage back to life."

Mr. Hart seemed to consider her words, and he pursed his lips slightly. "Hm, you do have a point. Guess the other ones are even denser than you, huh? Good work, Keira." He gave her a pat on the back and nodded to himself.

Geez, he really changed his mind quickly, didn't he?

Just as Keira was about to try and continue the small talk, she was interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen. She and Mrs. Hart both jumped to their feet.

"Do you think Wanda needs help in the kitchen?" Mrs. Hart asked kindly. "We haven't any tidbits, or tartlets out here, nary a pig in a blanket."

Chuckling rather nervously, Keira placed a hand on Mrs. Hart's shoulder to try and gently guide her back to the sofa. "No, that's... No that's so kind of you, Mrs. Hart." She was just grateful that none of their guests were able to hear the ruckus on the other side of the kitchen door. Hearing even more clatter, she threw an uneasy glance at it over her shoulder. "But I'm sure she's perfectly fine in there!" She added in a loud voice, hoping that Wanda would pick up the pace.

Keira had just managed to guide Mrs. Hart back to the sofa, and sat down herself, when another great commotion could be heard from the kitchen.

If this evening didn't end up in complete disaster, it would be a miracle.

Mrs. Hart flew up from her seat again. "You stay put. I sense a domestic emergency!" She waved her hands to keep Keira from getting up, but she was already on her feet.

"Mrs. Hart, please don't. You can't- You... Please..." Keira could only watch in horror as Mrs. Hart made her way over to the pass-through window. They were only seconds away from having their cover blown, and she felt completely helpless in preventing it.

Okay, she needed a distraction, something that would make Mrs. Hart turn around in an instant.

Well, desperation knows no bounds, right?

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