Chapter 12 - Clarity

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It had taken quite some time to get the house in order for Phoenix.

The assembly of one of the scratch posts had taken the longest, mostly because Keira was unable to follow the instructions properly and rather improvised most of it instead.

But that also meant that she had to unscrew around fifty percent of the bolts when she realized she had screwed the sisal posts in the wrong spots.

And she was far too proud to admit these mistakes to Wanda.

The redhead had in turn settled down in an armchair with Phoenix's cage in her lap. She could tell that her wife would not accept any help, so she stayed away rather than starting an argument.

It was rather amusing to observe the assembling process from a distance, hearing soft curse words leave her wife's lips while scratching Phoenix through the bars of the cage.

For a street cat, Phoenix had settled in pretty fast.

Sure, she had been a bit skittish at first. Whenever someone accidentally moved too fast or the TV volume was too high, she would sprint to the nearest hiding spot, glaring at the one who dared to scare her.

But it didn't take long until she realized that nothing and no one in the house wished to harm her.

When Wanda had wandered down the stairs in the middle of the night to get a glass of water, the cat had followed her down, all the way to the makeshift barrier at the bottom of the steps, consisting of empty cardboard boxes.

And it was on top of this very barricade that Phoenix now sat, the tip of her tail occasionally twitching in annoyance whenever Nikato dared to go near the stairs.

But the Kangal mostly paced back and forth in the living room, keeping a close eye on his owners. He did not fully trust the strange new man that had entered their house, but regretfully accepted it.

Keira nervously chewed on her bottom lip and watched with anxious eyes as the doctor placed the stethoscope on various spots on Wanda's stomach, searching for a heartbeat.

And she wasn't the only one who was sitting on needles.

Wanda's face was pulled into a concerned frown, and whenever the doctor hummed to himself, the crease between her eyebrows would deepen. Not to mention the tight grip she had on Keira's hand.

"Yep! Definitely pregnant!" The doctor concluded loudly and rolled up his stethoscope with a big smile.

Keira couldn't help but roll her eyes, which earned her a light slap to the shoulder from her wife.

Luckily enough, Doctor Nielson didn't see it because he was too busy with gathering up his things in his little man's purse.

"Well, that much we figured." Wanda said hastily, not wanting to give her wife a chance to retort with a sarcastic comment. Which she could tell was on the way, judging from the eye roll.

And sure enough, the mutant had opened her mouth but she quickly shut it.

The prospect of a child had sunk in ever since she had heard its heartbeat for herself, but to get it confirmed from an outside source made it all so much more real.

And with that realization, the doubts she had buried sizzled up to the surface.

"It- It's just kinda taken us by surprise. It's just kinda sudden. Quite suddenly, wasn't it? I mean, a- almost overnight." Keira turned her head and shot a quick glance at Wanda, whose hand gave the mutant's knee a warning squeeze. "I- I mean... How did this happen?"

Keira had barely given the magic behind it all any thought, but perhaps her nerves would be calmed by a doctor's opinion.

Doctor Nielson closed his bag and slowly turned around to face them. He clasped his hands together in front of his stomach and a rather confused expression painted his face. "W- Well, technically speaking, it shouldn't even be-" As if he had caught himself saying something he shouldn't, he shut his mouth. For just a fraction of a second, his facial expression turned blank before it turned into a careful smile. "Well, you see... When two women love each other very, very much-" His smile grew wider the more he spoke, and he gestured between them to emphasize his words.

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