Chapter 13 - Talk Of The Town

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How in the seven hells was she supposed to do this?

To be a mother when her own had abandoned her? She knew nothing of it, what it meant to be a proper family for she had never felt its warmth.

Well... that wasn't entirely true, was it?

Keira's eyes gazed up and down the shelves, having strolled along the aisles for what felt like forever. A sigh escaped her lips and she shook her head. Just like all the other times before, whenever she tried to remember her life before Westview, she was met by resistance.

Foggy shapes of distant memories and people.

People she couldn't remember, no matter how hard she tried. And while they remained faceless, she could still feel them. The joy and the love they had brought her once.

Her biological family may have been a disappointment but her chosen one had not. She could feel it in her bones.

And perhaps that was why she hadn't given voice to her doubts again. For while they still tugged on her heart, she desperately tried to cling to the words Wanda had spoken.

Your blood does not define you.

You say it's in your genes to abandon those you care about. And yet, you've never left me. You've been by my side through thick and thin. For better and for worse. Never once have you strayed away.

You don't abandon those you love. You never have. If anything, you're loyal until the bitter end.

Who would speak truer words if not her wife? If she could not believe those words, could she believe anything?


If she wished to be a good parent, then it was up to her to be one.

To try and drown the depressing thoughts, she instead focused back on the present.

Decorations for the nursery. And when her eyes landed on a stuffed giraffe, she knew she had hit the jackpot.

It wasn't a want, it was a need.

Keira grabbed it by the neck, hoisting it up in her grasp while she frantically searched for her wife among the many shelves of the store. Something a bit difficult since some of them were even taller than she was.

At last, she spotted a flock of red and without hesitation, she sprinted over.

Slightly out of breath, she presented the giraffe with outstretched arms. It dangled just a few inches above the ground, nearly as tall as her. "We need this. I won't hear anything against it. And if the baby doesn't love it, then we'll leave it up for adoption. Deal? Okay, deal." She panted, the words tumbling out of her, barely giving herself a moment to breathe and even less of an opportunity for her wife to object.

"Calm down, darling. You won't hear an objection from me." Wanda couldn't help but laugh at her wife's joy and gently grabbed the blonde's chin, pulling her in for a quick kiss. Glancing over her wife's shoulder, she straightened up when she spotted a raven-haired woman moving through the aisles in their direction. "Hi, Agnes!"

"Oh, hiya hun!" Agnes grinned before letting her eyes settle on Keira. "Almost didn't see you there." She chuckled and gestured at the giraffe.

"Hello, Agnes." Keira fought to keep the smile on her face, but she could tell it became a strained one. Her gut still didn't agree that Agnes was just a harmless, nosey neighbor but she did her best to behave. All to make Wanda happy. "So, what brings you over here?"

It might seem like an innocent question, but it struck her as odd that the raven-haired woman just seemed to pop up wherever Wanda was.

Agnes' eyes narrowed for just a fraction of a second, but it was gone before either Wanda or Keira could spot it. "Oh, I just felt for a bit of shopping. You know, needed an excuse to get away from Ralph. He's always just sitting around, being a slob." She chuckled while rolling her eyes. "Actually Wanda, why don't you and I take a look at the baby clothes in that aisle over there? And I saw an excellent swing set that would just be perfect for your yard as well! Why don't you check that out, Keira?"

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