Chapter 28 - The Show Is Up

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"Get off of me!" Tommy yelled as he struggled against the tightening rope around his throat. "Let go of my brother!"

"My powers work out here, or did you forget?" Wanda tilted her head in challenge as the scarlet energy twirled around her fingers. But with the twins standing so close to Agatha, she didn't dare to attack in case she risked hurting her boys.

But the raven-haired witch only shook her head with a wide smile on her lips. "No, dear. I'm counting on it." To play with her prey a little more, she loosened the hold on the ropes around the twins' necks. The boys immediately ran forwards, trying to escape, only to be jerked backwards and slammed down on the concrete with the air pressed out of their lungs.


Before Agatha had a chance to react, Wanda shot a scarlet blast at her, which effectively gave her boys a chance to escape the clutches of the wicked witch. "Go to your room." She ordered as the twins struggled back up on their feet, gingerly feeling their throats after nearly being strangled.

Tommy shook his head in protest. "No way! We're staying with you."

Billy, on the other hand, tried to reason with his mother. "Come on, mom. We can help."

"Listen to your mother, boys." Agatha taunted as she rose from the ground. Had Keira been there to witness it, she would've laughed and said that the witch looked like one of those old-school vampires that awoke from their coffins when nightfall came.

But there was no chance that Wanda would put her boys in harm's way. "Now!"

To her relief, they actually obeyed. Tommy grabbed his brother and supersped them away to safety which gave Wanda a chance to fire another blast at Agatha, who clutched her chest where it had hit her.

Only this time, something was different.

Agatha didn't seem hurt by it.

No, she was cradling the ball of red energy in her hand, whose fingertips were blackened and corrupted. "I take power from the undeserving. It's kinda my thing." She explained as the scarlet mist slowly faded into purple.

A wave of fatigue flashed through Wanda's body, accompanied by a strange feeling in her left hand. As she raised it, she saw that it had withered. The skin was bone-dry. Almost as if it had aged eighty years in just a second. But she didn't get a chance to investigate it further before she was hit by a blast of purple energy, which sent her rolling across the concrete.

"You're clearly in over your pretty little red head." Agatha mocked condescendingly. "So, why don't you surrender your magic to someone who knows with to do with it?" She watched Wanda scramble to her feet, and pressed her fingertips together before lifting from the ground, seeing the scarlet energy pool around the redhead's fingers. "And I'll let you keep this pathetic little corner of the world all to yourself. What do you say?"

Wanda didn't reply.

All she could do was stare as she discreetly moved her fingers, the scarlet whisps swirling around her fingers. The car she had worked to manipulate crashed into Agatha from behind and sent her crashing into a nearby house.

When Wanda moved closer to investigate the wreckage, she was disappointed. Unfortunately, it seemed like Agatha had avoided the worst of the collision by vanishing into a puff of smoke.

All that remained of the witch was her black boots.

With a shaky breath, Wanda straightened up again. To her surprise, she caught a glimpse of a white silhouette reflected in the broken window, and somewhat tentatively, she turned around. "Vision?"

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