Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

“I can’t believe we are leaving already, it feels like we have only just got here,” I sulked whilst packing my suitcase.

“I know, but we’ll come back. I promise I’ll bring you back here,” Niall said smiling he knew I loved it here especially the food actually it was the first time I had been eating properly for a while now.

“Are you almost done cupcake? It’s almost time to go,” shouted Harry from the doorway. I nodded grabbing my suitcase before doing one last check of the room, shouting Zed and getting into the car that Harry was driving for a change.

I sat Zed on my knee whilst Liam packed in our suitcases.

“Where to now, then?” I ask.

“Sydney, Australia then New York, Los Angeles and California and then our tour is finished that we started before you were with us meaning we can go home,” replies Zayn as we set of towards the airport.

I was not in a good mood especially since it was a whole day’s flight to Australia and then as soon as they had done a show we were straight to America, not even staying in a hotel overnight. 

“Ugh,” I complain.

“It’ll be okay the flight will fly by,” whispers Niall into my ear. I was sat on Niall’s knee with Zed sat on mine as we were still left with the 5 seater car.

 “Nice use of words,” I laugh sarcastically in Niall’s face.

“Wow someone’s moody today,” Niall said looking away hurt. I sighed; I wasn’t really a mean person but today was not my day. I was wearing black leggings and a tight white belly top with my hair in a really scruffy bun at the top of my head.

“No Niall I didn’t mean it like that it’s just I’m in a really bad mood. How can I make it better?”

Niall turned to face me pushing back some of the random pieces of hair that hadn’t made it into my bun before smiling and staring at my lips again.

I gently place a kiss on his lips and he smiles bigger before saying, “you’re forgiven.”

“So what are you two like together now?” asks Liam looking confused.

I turn toward Niall who sort of shrugs his shoulders and mumbling, “I wish.”

“We need to talk about this Nialler,” I state prodding at his belly.

“And we will when we are not surrounded by everyone,” Niall says indicating to the boys around us and making them sulk.

“But I want to know. It’s not fair,” sulked Harry.

“Me too, talk nowwwww,” joined in Louis.

“No, we need to talk in private,” I replied.

“Right it doesn’t matter we’re at the airport now anyway,” Liam interrupted us.


Our time in Australia wasn’t good because it was just too much of a rush. Especially since I had no sleep on the plane there and all the boys did. Me and Zed ran backwards and forwards for about an hour and a half.

I also had to deal with the fact that we were now flying to America for 4 days and yet again the boys were asleep along with Zed and I was left on my own.

However, I was most definitely looking forward to getting home or at least back to Niall’s flat. Louis and Zayn had promised to introduce me to their girlfriends as well so at least I always had someone, meaning a girl, to talk to.

*ON HOLD*   Crazy, ill minded me... (A one direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now