Chapter 10:

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Chapter 10:

The next few days were awkward I didn’t really talk to anyone and I spent most of my time on the balcony with Zed.

When it was time to leave America I was happy to be finally going home. I sat at the back of the plane with Zed occasionally because he enjoyed running around. When I thought the boys were all asleep I burst into the tears that I had been keeping in the past few days.

“Willow? Is that you crying?” I jumped at the sound of Niall’s voice and I didn’t reply.

After a few minutes, I heard footsteps headed towards me and I felt someone sit beside me and an arm go around me.

Tears were still streaming down my face when I looked up to see Niall sat next to me. To be fair he didn’t look too good either, his eyes were puffy and he looked pale.

“Are you okay?” Niall whispers.

I turn away, “Do I look like I’m okay?”

Niall shakes his head, “You haven’t been eating properly again have you? You’re really skinny and not well I can tell, you’re eyes there sore from all the crying you’ve been doing, but still all I seem to see is perfection.”

My heart ached and I felt sick, “You don’t mean that. You don’t mean anything you’ve said to me. Why did I trust you?”

“Willow, everything I’ve said has been the truth. The last few days have been the worst, when you never came in off the balcony, never let me talk to you, I felt so bad because I know I did that to you, I knew I’d broken you again.”

“I thought you stopped loving me,” I try to say it strongly and normally but it comes out as a whisper.

“Believe me Willow even if I tried I could never stop loving you.”

My head ached; I didn’t know what to feel whether to admit to him I loved him or tell him I hate him for what he had put me through the last few days.

“I don’t know if I will be able to trust you again after what you put me through. I gave you all I could and you turned me away.”

“And I regret every second of it.”

I turned to face him, the tears were still coming, “Niall, I really hate you…but no matter what I will never stop loving you, I don’t know what it is I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

Niall turned away at first but when the second part of my sentence came out he looked me straight in the eye before placing a soft kiss on my forehead.

“But you must understand, I will never be able to trust you like I use to, I want to forgive you and trust you but you broke that.”

“I’m so sorry Willow, for what I put you through and I promise I will never do it again,” Niall was beaming his beautiful smile at me. I felt happy, but not like I usually felt when I was around Niall. My stomach ached and I didn’t get that warn feeling inside of me instead I felt cold and sort of faded.

Throwing away my feelings, I laid my head on Niall closing my eyes and pushing myself into sleep.


“Liam?” I shouted from the sofa when I opened my eyes and blinking hard from the bright light coming in through Liam’s flat window.

“Yes?” said Liam hurrying into the front room wearing a flowery apron, pink oven gloves and carrying a tray of cookies.

“Where’s Niall?” I say softly trying not to laugh at Liam’s entrance.

Placing the cookies on a plate he put them on the table in front of me and sat at the end of my chair, “He’s gone with Zayn shopping. You were really awful you know on the plane, you overheated and were throwing up, it was the worst I’ve ever seen you. Now eat.” Liam pointed towards the cookies.

*ON HOLD*   Crazy, ill minded me... (A one direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now