Chapter 1:

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Chapter one:

Running, all I could think of was running, keep running.  My mind was screaming at me all these things like; don’t stop, you did it, keep running. And then it hit me, I’d done it. After so many failed attempts I’d actually done it. I felt I grin appear on to my face, that quickly stopped so I could keep my breathing coming. I dodged trees, jumped bushes and avoided nettles.

That was when I realised I was in the forest. The huge forest. That was when I lost my sense of direction and as soon as I knew it WHAM.


“Do you reckon she’s ok?”

“I don’t know that bumps pretty bad.”

“We should take her to the hospital?”

“Shh I think she’s waking up.”

Ow was the first thought I got. My head was burning; searing pain was spreading through my body. I felt blood coming out of the cuts up my arms, nettle stings up on my ankles and fresh bruises near my other ones.

“Ow, what the hell?” I whispered.  My eyes fluttered open as I reached for my head. “AHHHHH!” I screamed looking around. I got to my feet instantly even though my head ached so badly and my legs wobbled beneath me. Being my usual self I dived behind the nearest tree.

“Hey, its ok were not going to hurt you,” the blonde boy who spoke voice was soft, gentle, it soothed me.

“What do you want?” I asked.

This time it was the one with big curly hair that spoke, “oh, we came into the forest for a picnic, it’s not usual that we have free time so we thought it would be nice.” His voice was strong and manly but nice, graceful at the same time.

I looked at all five of them. One of them was looking at forehead looking like he was going to cry. “What’s wrong with my head?” I asked him.

He diverted his gaze from my head down to my eyes. His green eyes sparkled and I never wanted to look away. He gulped then and that made me nervous. I felt my knees wobble even more and one of them came over to steady me.

That was when I realised I was crying, looking down I realised I was on my knees too.  Slowly he lifted me up into his strong arms. I panicked and started kicking my already shaking body. He steadied me once again. “Where do you live,” he asked. I gulped remembering everything. The pain exploded through my head and once again I blacked out.


AHHH my mind screamed at me and my eyes flew open as I sat bolt upright. I put my hand on my fore head I was sweating. I looked down, a mattress? I don’t have a mattress, I thought. I took in the fresh scent and the crystal white duvet. This sure was comfy compared to my sofa and old tatty blanket.

“Hey, you’re awake. How’s your head?” I looked into the blonde one’s eyes. I didn’t realise he was sat next to my bed till just then.

I felt tears fill my eyes, I began to sob. He came over and patted my back. “Hey, it’s ok.”

“H-h-how did I get h-here?” I sobbed.

“Liam and Harry carried you. We can take you back to your place if you want? Why where you in that forest anyway?” He asked.

Looking into his eyes I saw sorrow and pure sympathy, for a moment I thought he was going to cry as well. I pulled up my sleeves and pulled up my now filthy jeans. I saw his eyes widen in shock.

One last tear left my face, “I was in the f-forest b-be-because my… my mother abused me” I cried.

Slowly, I tilted my head upwards. “You ran away didn’t you?” he asked.

*ON HOLD*   Crazy, ill minded me... (A one direction fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now