Chapter 3:

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“Do you want to come with us to Nandos?” Niall asked.

“What’s Nandos?” I asked gaping at Niall confusingly.

Niall’s face was so shocked I thought he might faint so I pulled him onto the single sofa. Niall started shouting the boy’s names, they all hurried in. Niall was fanning himself with the same expression, “she doesn’t know…what Nandos is.”

When I looked at the boys all their facial expressions turned to shock, then Liam started laughing. The rest were muttering things like; she’s never lived, she needs to come, let’s go now.

Niall looked me in the eye and said, “We’re going now.”

“One second I’m going to get changed,” I mumbled.

The boy’s had gotten someone to get me some clothes for a while until they could take me shopping. I pulled off my pyjamas and pulled on the black tights with spots on them and a white shirt with my black pinafore. The clothes were new, crisp and fresh. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had new clothes.

I tied back my long curls into a loose bun. Wow. For like the first time ever I actually looked nice for a change. Grabbing the black heels I pulled them on. Ok, so I was dressed and going out even though yesterday the doctor told me to stay in and rest, and now I’m going to Nandos. What the hell was Nandos?

I hadn’t been out the house except for school in so long. Once dad passed away, mum became abusive and never took me anywhere. I was actually scared to go out but I have to be brave, I promised to be brave.

I looked back in the mirror again, so different. I blew out a long breath thinking I’m ready.

Making my way to the door of my bedroom of one day in Niall’s flat I pulled down the long sleeves on my shirt hiding the cuts, I wanted to forget my mum, my past, my cuts and bruises.

That’s when I decided to sort out my head, focusing on my mind I opened a door putting away my bad experiences and memories the things I didn’t want to remember. Then I locked the door sealing them in. Obviously there was some memories I couldn’t forget but I did for then.

I opened the door to the living area feeling better than I had ever had. I was even humming, I felt like singing but I didn’t, that would have been bad since I was staying with One Direction.

Skipping along, I didn’t see Harry so me being me I walked into him.

“Woah, you ok sweetie?” he asks whilst steadying me. I nodded whilst Niall practically dragged me out the door, down the stairs and into the car.

When were in the car Niall looked at me, “you look beautiful by the way.” I think I turned bright red so I instantly turned away.

Liam and Harry turned too, “we agree with Niall on this one.”

Louis and Zayn were agreeing to themselves too and soon the boys were talking about how much I suit black and white and how cute my hair looked. Obviously I tuned out staring out the window and soon enough we were there.

“Table for six please,” Zayn said to the man standing at a standy thing near the door.

“Right this way,” the man said leading us to a big round table. Oh, so Nandos is a restaurant.


“How great is Nandos?” Niall said when we were laid on the sofa watching Grease. Niall was singing along to a song. I nodded in agreement.

All the other boys were gone now in their own flats and I was wearing some pyjamas that the boy’s stylist had brought me, my long blonde hair was wet since I’d just been in the shower and I felt the cleanest I had in a long time. It was a cold night so we were snuggled up under our duvets.

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