Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8:

(Set 2 days later)

“Willow! Wake up! It’s your birthday!” Niall yelled jumping on me, looking around our hotel room I saw they must have decorated it when I was asleep because there was balloons, banners and presents scattered around.

“Happy birthday!” Shouted Niall leaping on me and giving me a kiss on the fore head, when I looked again I noticed the others were all still in bed. This made Niall run around shaking them until they returned to reality. “It’s Willow’s birthday, remember?” Niall said again causing them to sleepily walk over and wish me happy birthday and a give me a hug.

Harry passed me his present first but I put it down on the bed next to me.

“Ermm…I’m really sorry but I can’t accept these gifts,” I whispered looking down. The last time I had actually had presents on my birthday was when my dad was still with me. Harry lifted my head up just as a tear left my eye and I lay back in the bed.

“Of course you can Willow, we wouldn’t have got you them if we hadn’t of wanted too,” Liam said looking into my eyes.

I felt more tears fall down my face; I really didn’t want to do this. I felt so awful and upset I couldn’t respond, Niall looked worse than I did only he wasn’t crying, he was just looking down. Liam and Harry moved to comfort me but that only made me cry more, I knew they didn’t know why I was crying and to be honest I didn’t really want them too.

“Hey Willow, its ok…we got you the presents because we think you deserve them, that’s why you should open them,” Liam said smiling.

I sighed, no I didn’t want to open the presents but yes I probably had too because of how bad I would of felt for them if I didn’t. So, I let Harry place his present back in my hands and I slowly began to unwrap it.

When the wrapping paper fell to the ground I felt a smile form on my face. It was a Charlie Bear, I’d wanted one of these since I was little, but my family couldn’t afford one. It had brown fur with streaks of blonde with a blue bow and a white patch on its tummy. Engraved on the white patch were the words: “To Willow love from Harry.” The Willow was bigger than the rest of it making it the easiest to read.

Looking up at Harry, who was looking around with a nervous look on his face, I hugged him tight whilst whispering in his ear, “Thank you so much Harry, you know what I’m going to call it? Harry.”

His nervous look dropped leaving behind a smile whilst he whispered back, “He’s going to keep you company when we are outperforming or recording and stuff.”


By the time I had finished opening Harry’s teddy bear, Louis’ spa voucher, Zayn’s designer hand bag and Liam’s Topshop gift voucher I got to the shared presents because Niall was forcing me to open his last.  When I opened the first one I saw a box with the name iPhone 4s on it.

“What’s this?” I asked the boys.

“It’s a mobile phone so we can know where you are and so you can text or phone us when you need to.” Zayn replied. I nodded thanking them whilst Harry put it on charge and added his and the boys numbers.

The last shared present was an envelope and when I opened it I saw paper with the words on it, shout the next part, and when I opened it, I saw in big letters the name Zed. So I shouted Zed and looked around the boys were all grinning at me and before I knew it a small ball of fur jumped on me and began licking my face.

When I looked down I saw a white West Highland Terrier with a blue colour and the word Zed on it.

“Oh my gosh! He’s so cute! Is he for me?” I asked smiling down at the adorable puppy that began to bark quietly at me.

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