Chapter 5 Dani

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 I help set the table at our fathers loft apartment waiting for Derrek to show up. I can tell the mood is tense but no one judges me about my actions. I am proud of what I did. Nothing they say can change my mind on it.

My dad's loft is the whole top floor and roof garden. It's a modern and cold feeling. The only warmth is my mothers picture over the fireplace. It hasn't felt like a home sense she passed.

I see Derrek walk through the door and drop his phone in the basket with his keys and wallet. He hangs up his jacket and kicks his shoes off. He walks through the double doors front coat room and looks around counting us all. Then turns around and locks the door. The coat room wall is sound proof meaning no one can hear us inside this place as long as all devices are at the door.

Something that in our line of work we need to have.

" Sorry I am late." He says to me while I take the cork out of the wine. " Your future husband held me up."


Derrek and I are closer than the rest but Dalton, Desmond and Dawson are very close. It's Deacon I feel bad for because he isn't really close with any of us. It's like he doesn't put in any effort other than family stuff. We still check on him though to keep him with us.

" I wish I was kidding." He points at me.

" No chance" I say walking down the island. " He is a bartender."

" Hey" putting a hand on his chest like he is hurt.

" You're different, you're a bar owner." I explain "It is not beneath me. However, he is your friend. I learned my lesson years ago on that."

" Honestly though. He is a really good guy. Don't be too mean to him." He pops a grape in his mouth that he picked from a huge bowl of fruit.

" Seriously?" I am annoyed knowing now I have to be nice to him. Our family rule is if we are asked to do something we follow through. " Why?"

" He is a good one. Maybe his building won't burn." He walked to the table quickly. To get away from my arms swinging.

" Funny Derrek. Like your ex-girlfriend didn't get an STD by your doing." I tell him knowing he set her up with that guy when he found out he had one. Knowing she was a slut.

" That was just good timing." He says taking a seat. " Just be nice. I didn't say sleep with him. Just be nice."

Everyone sits down and bows their heads. We do this every week in honor of my mother and respect. I think it's a waste of time now. That's just me though. Dad looks up and smiles.

" Okay, family meeting time. Yesterday we did a purple rose. Where did it start? Dani?" He says in his calm deep voice.

My dad doesn't scare me like he used to as a small child. But I never want to make him angry at me again.

I stand up and look around and clear my throat " He cheated and I walked in on it. In my bed. In that house." I explain. " I don't know the girl. The house was empty when I lit the curtains on fire." I take a small bow makes all my men smile and hold back their laughs as I sit back down and take a sip of my wine I just poured.

" Good girl" Dad says and I smile looking at Derrek. Like the twelve year olds we are.

" Dawson, where are we at?" Dad's voice is still mello.

" Well she thought it through. For the most part. It went up fast and hot with no trace of anything." He answered, taking a bite of his burger. Dad nods his head at me. In appreciation.

" Dalton?" We know the questions he is asking without him saying them.

" I have a fellow officer on the investigation and he advised it was accidental. Candle fell over." He bites his burger too. " Shame Maddox forgot to blow the candle out."

" Good boy." Dad ssy tapping his hand on the table. " Now Maddox's family is not too happy. He knows it was Dani but they don't have proof. Be careful and nothing leaves this room. We did good so far, no room for error now."

" I have paperwork drawn up and in your office. Just in case something does come up." Desmond informs.

" We also need your statement of where you were too." Dalton looks at me. " So come down to the precinct tomorrow and I'll get it done."

" Witnesses saw her at the bar last night" Derrek adds. " She was at the bar and her apartment all day and night."

" Good job!" Dad says to him. Derrek nods. " Dani, are you good now?"

I look at each of my men at this table and smile. " I am on fire Daddy." I say and the whole family laughs.

Our dinner continues talking about life and our jobs and the big things happening in the city right now. I talk to Desmond and Derrek most of the time and eat my burger. My dad goes all out for these dinners and I like that about him.

I am now on my third glass of wine when he serves dessert. It is chocolate from our favorite bakery. We either have this or cheese cake every week.

When we finish my dad claps his hands letting us know dinner is all done. We all get up and start cleaning up. We all have our choirs. I clear the table. Derrek does garbage. Desmond and Dawson put the dishes in the dishwasher and Deacon wipes the table down. Dalton puts everything away when it's done. We are a well oiled machine as a family.

" Dani, did you bring it?" Dad asks, putting a hand on my shoulder.

" Of course daddy." I answered, grabbing the small paper bag on the counter.

We walk up to the roof and all stand around the firepit as I throw the bag in. Dawson put lighter fluid in. Just a few drops and lights it.

" These are all of them right?" Dad puts his arm around me again.

" All six." I say telling him I took my time and made sure every camera from outside was first painted black and then stripped from the house. That is how they have no proof. My dad wraps an arm around me and kisses my forehead. " He deserved it."

" That he did, baby girl. This family stands together or not at all. We stand by you." He whispers " Right boys?"

" To the bone." They all speak together. Then smile. Like little replicas. Statues of manners, loyalty and perfection. I am so lucky to have this family. I am proud to be a Mckillip. I always will be.

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