Chapter 17 Dani

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 After a week I have learned very little about what is going on out there trying to find me. I do know that five of the Ferrari family are injured or dead and Derreck was wounded by a gunshot at the bar. Nothing that Dawson's buddy can't sew up according to Matteo.

I can tell Matteo is getting frustrated and sleeping for nine days on the small couch can get anyone in a bad mood. He is curled up on the couch in almost a ball with his feet hanging off the couch breathing a bit louder than he has been.

I walk to the kitchen and get an apple from the basket and pour some coffee into my mug. I haven't been outside in ten days. I miss it. I sip my coffee and sit in the chair next to the wall of windows leading to the balcony soaking up what I can. I miss my family. I miss my life. I miss my books and records. I miss Walker. Knowing that he has now beat three Ferrari boys to find me makes me happy. I don't know how much more of this prison I can take.

" Is that coffee?" Matteo asks, sitting up on the couch.

" Yeah, I made a fresh pot." I say, taking another sip. I watch him hobble to the kitchen and get a mug. Yawning and stretching out his muscles that have become knots from his nights. " You know if you just give me back you can sleep in your bed again."

" Not a chance, pretty one. You're mine." He says unbuttoning his shirt and untucking it from his pants. I can't help but watch him move. It's like dancing. Even tired , he is beautiful. He hasn't been mean to me other than when I started a fight a few days ago and he told me to get used to it. Nothing will be changing until further notice. " I am sure you're missing your sex toy but I am going to go take a shower. You can watch it if you like." I shake my head. He is getting funnier the more time I am stuck here with him. " Oh I figured I should let you know Derrek is okay. So is Desmond."

" WHAT!" I stand almost spilling my coffee. He keeps walking to the bathroom and I follow as he takes his shirt off and undershirt. I see his chest muscles in his tanned skin. I see an octopus tattoo on his left shoulder cascades over his peck and arm. I feel the breath that escapes my lips. " What do you mean Desmond?"

" Oh I thought I told you. Angelo ran him off the road and hit a tree airbag, got him. He is uninjured." I hold my chest as I think through his words. " The Shelby he was driving thought it was totaled for sure."

A Shelby?

Walker Ryan.

"When is this going to stop?" I plead. I hear him unbuckle his belt and pants. Then fell to the floor and shrugged his shoulders, turning and walking to the bathroom dropping his briefs just before he entered, turning back and looking at me almost drooling from the sight of his ass walking into the shower. I shake my head and walk back out to my chair.

I need answers. I need to know what is going on. This can't keep happening. Too many close calls. Maybe he will let me at least call them. I wait for him to come out from the shower and when he walks out in briefs, I feel my mouth get dry. I forgot what I wanted.

" Matteo, can I just talk to them?" I plead. "I am sure they are all going crazy and losing sleep. I just want them to know I am okay."

" Even If I said yes you would throw out some code that they have been sending out giving them some kind of location. I just can't." He says , talking with his hands.

" I just want to talk to Daddy." I say, " What about Walker."

" No!" He barks a bit too loud and his face gets red. " No calls."

" Can I at least get answers"

" What answers do you want?"

" How much longer am I stuck in this prison?" he shakes his head and walks close to me as I feel the ache for my family seep into my bones.

" Pretty one, I know you miss them. I wish I could let you. I have rules to follow too and I just can't yet." His voice is softer. I feel his fingertips brush my shoulder and move hair from my face.

" I just want to call Derrek. I am stuck here with books I don't like and records that are not the ones I listen to at home and I can't even feel the breeze on my skin. I am a prisoner, Matteo. I can't do anything, not even cook." I feel the anger build up and like a child I storm off slamming the bedroom door.

I hear the door open. " Do you want to cook with me? We can make breakfast and listen to music and make this day less sad for you."

" You think that will just wash away the shit that is this situation?" I say sitting up looking at him.

" Fuck no, but french toast and bacon help with sadness every time." He says, making me laugh.

" Damn you Matteo." I say " I am supposed to be mad at you. I am supposed to hate you completely.

" Well supposed to and wanting to don't always weigh the same in each situation. Are you hungry?"

Minutes later we are laughing listening to the one record I like, Billie Holiday and he lets me make the french toast. He puts the bacon on a sheet tray and places it in the oven. Then starts humming to the song. He is so different than I thought he would be. The Matteo on our date, the Matteo the first day here and the Matteo right now are three very different people.

He takes my glasses off me every night and turns off my light. He makes me breakfast and dinner almost every night. I know he bought the books for me from when I talked to him on our date. He even brought me a latte one night. Even though this is a prison I am becoming comfortable in my prison and that scares me even more.

His phone goes off and he stops humming in three steps, turns off the music and answers.

" Hello" He says " Tonight? Okay." His face goes lax and continues to stir the eggs.

I didn't ask because it was going well. I don't want to change that. He clearly is upset and I am terrified that it's one of my brothers. Sitting at the table in silence the terror builds. Was it bad news about the boys?

My boys.

My family.

" Matteo?" I almost whisper.

" I have to get dressed, pretty one. I am sorry." He stands and walks to the bedroom.

The pain in my chest hurts and I start to cry. It's one of my boys. It has to be. I wipe away my tears and sniffle to control myself. Letting out a breath. I can hear him getting dressed. The dresser got hit and then his phone went off again. I hear a few muffled words. I can't hear what they are. When the door opens I cower trying to hide my pain.

" I might be late. I am sorry." He says. Opening the door.

" Matteo?" I whimper. He turns and looks at me. " Are they okay?"

" So far, yes" He whispers. The door closes and he makes his way back to me. Kneeling down to look me in the eyes. " They love you. That is for sure."

" I miss them." I say

" I know, pretty one." He moves my hair out of my face. He stands and kisses my cheek. " Soon," He pinches my chin and lifts my face to him. " Soon I promise." I nod my head. He kisses my forehead and turns to walk out the door. Looking back at me as he leaves.

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