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"What do you think?" I ask mom as we are in my apartment, it's been a week since she found out about Ben's baby and my babies. Ben decided to keep Emma after spending one night all by himself with her, mom is staying in the city to make sure Ben doesn't ruin Emma.

Mom looks around the nursery, I didn't really know what to do so I looked up a lot of Pinterest nursery ideas. Most I found were either fully blue or fully pink for twins, not a lot for one of each so I found gender neutral ones and here we are.

Mom starts to tear up "oh wow" she nods her head "your babies are going to love this"

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Mom starts to tear up "oh wow" she nods her head "your babies are going to love this"

"Mom?" She looks at me "I'm really terrified, but also really excited about you think I can do it?"

"Oh Ryker" she puts her hand on my cheek "you can" nodding her head, looking around "oh"

I get a ding from my phone, checking I see it's from my baby mama "oh my god, the babies are coming right now!" Jumping up and down all nervous "like right now, I need to go!" Running out of the apartment with my keys and shit, I run as fast as I can to the hospital. As I do, I accidentally bump into someone knocking the person over. "Oh my god" helping the woman up, she's a really beautiful blonde with blue eyes and pale skin—she's like a real life version of sleeping beauty. Except she's awake. We stare at each other and I feel something click. Remembering where we are, I shake my head "I'm sorry, about the whole"

"It's alright" she nods her head "going somewhere important"

Remembering "Yes" nodding my head "sorry, again" I run off going to the hospital, but as I run for some reason I can't get my mind off of the woman I met. When I get to the hospital, I run in and say to the front desk lady "Karen Walker, she was checked in because she's in labor"

"Are you family?" She asks

"I'm the father" she nods her head and types something down.

"She's in the maternity wing" she says "room 1352" I nod my head going in the direction she guides me in, when I arrive I see Karen as doctors are in here.

"Sir" a nurse says "you cannot"

"It's alright" Karen grits her teeth "he's the father" I'm let past and given a gown cover thing as I'm by the doctor's side. I pull out my phone and record Karen giving birth "are you really recording this?"

I nod my head "yes, these are my babies too" it's so creepy and beautiful, how it's like a fleshy pink watermelon is coming out of a fleshy pink oyster—so gross. I want to look away but I don't at the same time, it's really fucking weird.

"Push" the doctor order Karen, I watch as she screams when the baby's head comes out. The doctor helps Karen by pulling the baby out, when I watch as my child is out and crying loudly the doctor announces "a boy" I smile as I'm handed my son—handing my phone to a nurse—showing him to Karen who doesn't even look our way "want to cut the cord?" I nod my head cutting the umbilical cord once it's clipped as I hold my son.

The nurse beside me takes him to clean him off, I then see the doctor back to his job. For some reason, as I stare at Karen who pushes I am imagining that beautiful blonde from before. I mean Karen sure she has really bright blonde hair that looks like it's white and green eyes, but it doesn't compare to the other woman. The blonde is more beautiful that I'm regretting I never got her name. I mean, I've been never had a preference for women growing up but when I saw that woman—it's all all the other women in the world no longer exist.

"A girl" I see my daughter be pulled out, I go over and hold her smiling down at her "it's a girl" she and the boy both have their eyes closed so I don't know what their eye color looks like, but I'm hoping their blue like mine and not Karen's green eyes. 

"Hi" I coo down to my daughter who cries loudly "you've got some lungs don't you" the baby is taken from me to be cleaned, I cut the cord again.

"Do you" the nurse holds my son to Karen "want to hold him?"

"No" she scoffs "get that thing away from me"

"Excuse you?" I demand

She looks my way "the only reason I even had those parasites in me was so that I could get bigger tits and ass" I send her seething glares as she says this "not like you should care, I gave you custody of them"

We are silent save for the babies who cry loudly "Can" I ask the nurse "have my children?"

She nods her head "of course, let's get them to the NICU and you can spend more time with them there" she glares at Karen who simply grabs her phone and texts someone.

Shaking my head, I call my mom and brothers to let them know that my son and daughter are born.

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