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~Ryker's POV~

"Wow" looking around the room as I see all the vampires around us, there has got to be more than one hundred vampires here "this is a lot of vampires" a month has passed, though it didn't feel like a month. It only felt like a few hours, but then again I spent this time with Jane so time did go by. Her brother has somewhat started to warm up to me, I think. It's hard to tell with him, he only gives me one look at it's one of boredom and being pissed off. 

"Many of these vampires" Jane tells me "are nomads" In the one month, Demetri and a few other trackers in the coven--none as powerful as Demetri, they had to track down all the vampires and bring them here for the trial on the Cullens. With how many vampires are here, Chelsea and Callista are with the twins making sure they are safe along with the wives who are still in the tower. Apparently they never leave the tower, sounds like a boring life. 

My step sister, she's even here being held by some of the lower guard members since the upper guard was keeping an eye on me since I'm a newborn and they didn't want the twins to get hurt. 

"Why" I asK Jane as I stare at Bella, this is the first time I've seen her since I've been turned and she does indeed has delicious smelling blood. But as I look at her, there is this glass like thing that shimmers around her head "does Bella has glass around her head?"

"What?" Jane looks at me then to Bella "what do you mean?"

"It's hard to explain" I try to form words at what is around her mind "but the best way to put it, is that I see this shimmering glass like thing around her head" I think about breaking it, I see cracks start to form before it disappears "now it's gone"

I look at the mind reader who stares at Bella in shock then to me then back to her "Impossible" he breathes

"What?" Rosalie snaps "that everyone here is going to watch us die because of your stupidity?"

"No" shaking his head "I can hear Bella's mind"

"Alright!" Aro calls out "the trial on the Cullen Clan is now in order!"

"Carlisle Cullen" Caius speaks up "You and your coven are on trial for exposing our kind to  a human, leaving this human human, destroying one half of a mated pair" whispers ring out hearing the charges that are being presented "and finally doing nothing to destroy the other half of the mated pair that you destroyed"

"Carlisle Cullen" Marcus orders "come forward" he walks forward to the podium and Marcus says "you have lived in our home for many years, learning of our laws and yet you break them, why?"

The leader of the clan says "We all knew that Bella wouldn't expose our secret"

"But she did" Caius points to me "to this newborn, who knows who else she told?"

"I didn't tell anyone anything" Bella screams "you idiot" I wish Bella would just turn old, I mean her greatest fear is aging so "Ahh!" she screams when her skin starts to wrinkle, we watch as she turn into an old lady "what" her voice no longer young and lovely-ish is now all old and croaky "what happened?"

"Elaezar?" Aro calls out 

I see a vampire with black hair, pale skin and golden eyes stand up. He has a European accent but I can't tell where from "The newborn" he says "the one next to Jane, he can destroy shields and affect creatures anatomy" Bella just cries about her beauty.

"You may sit down" Marcus says

Aro looks at Carlisle "Tell us from the beginning before everyone how this human even came into your lives"

"And someone muzzle the human!" Caius orders

As Carlisle tells everyone how Edward was told to stay away by Rosalie, Jasper and Emmett a vampire with one of those metal muzzles that people back in the old days would use on women to gag them and keep them quiet along with embarrass them is forced on Bella who hadn't stopped crying and yelling for Edward. 

"Did you punish your son" Caius asks Carlisle "for exposing himself that day when he saved the human before what? One? Two dozen humans?"

"No" he says, I notice many vampires give angry looks to the Cullens especially Carlisle for letting this happen.

"What happened when you met the mated vampire that you killed?" Marcus demands

Victoria who was here, she was next to Demetri and Felix. They are making sure she doesn't kill them before the kings expose the Cullens crimes before everyone "We were playing baseball, they arrived and we agreed to play one game with them. James, who was a tracker smelled bella's scent when the wind blew her scent towards him. She was apparently his blood singer along with Edward's. He was going to kill her, we stopped him"

"What do you mean by kill her?" Aro asks

"He bit Bella" Carlisle admits not looking at anyone "his venom was turning her"

"How is she still human"  Caius asks "if this vampire's venom bit her?"

"Edward" he says "sucked the venom out" just then people start to yell "as my other children ripped the vampire to pieces" 

"Bella deserves a normal human life!" Edward yells "I would kill your mate all over again, I should have made you watch!" Victoria screams as she runs at Edward, everyone watches as the two get into a fight. 

I hold Jane close to me since this Edward is dead set on making all vampires unhappy. "NO!" Esme cries out "please! Don't kill him!" Carlisle and Alice also cry out for Edward to be spared but Victoria just rips him apart. My step sister screams when this happens.

"I'm finishing what James started" Victoria leaves his head on as he screams when Bella is grabbed by Victoria, I thought she would have killed the human but instead we watch as she rebreaks her leg. She then throws Bella had to a beam, the scent of blood evident.

"NO!" The Cullens--all but Jasper, Rosalie and Emmet cry for Victoria to stop. Emmett merely holds his mate as they watch Bella die a very painful death. 

When Victoria storms out, we thought she was done but instead she comes back in with gasoline. She pours it all over Bella who coughs and cries, we then watch her burn Bella to death. "NO!" Edward screams as Bella dies a fiery death. 

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