New school

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Elsa's View:

Today is going to be a good day.

I lie in my bed unsure as to whether or not I should actually get up.
New school today. Disney Dream High. I better get up.
Inhale. Exhale.
"And.. sudden burst of energy, go!" I shout as I throw off the covers and jump out of bed, running to my closet.

"Elsa! Get-" Anna storms into my room loud as ever. "Oh! Good morning Elsa! Today's the first day of school!" She smiles as she bounces forward.

"I noticed" I say with a smile as I open up my closet and walk in.

"What are you gonna wear?" Anna asks, coming to my side. "Oh! That's cute!" She says pointing to the outfit I've had out since last night.

"Thanks" I smile and pick it up. It took me a few days, but I had finally planned the perfect outfit.

It was a white long-sleeve that fades to blue, with black leggings to finish it off. I chose it especially because it was cozy and comfortable, yet stylish and cute. It made me look effortlessly pretty.

I shooed away Anna, grabbed my clothes, and went to shower.

After my shower I stared at my hair in the mirror as I dried it. What should I do with it? It's my first day, but I want something that compliments my look.

Curls? No, curls never stay in with my hair.
Ponytails are too plain.
Straightened might work, but I don't know.
French braid? That would be perfect. I did my hair in a messy French braid, pausing to smile at my reflection before going downstairs.

After breakfast and a shoe hunt, I'm fondly ready to go to school. I grab my bag and my keys.

"Waiiittttt!" Anna shouts as she trails down the stairs.
I roll my eyes and give my parents a hug as Anna fixes her hair slightly as she runs down the hall.

"Come on Anna!" I shout as I hop into my baby blue convertible. She hops in beside me and were off to start our first day at our new school.

The school is huge.

"Wow." My sister let out a low whistle.
"I have no words." That's all I can muster. I am really nervous. My head is bombarded with what ifs and so on as I slowly lock my car and walk inside the office.

"Ah! You must be the Arendalle's!" Exclaims a colorful lady behind the desk.
"Yes we are." Says Anna with a smile.
"Wonderful to meet you girls! My name is Ms. Fairi." She smiles "follow me, I have your schedules."

As we pass her desk I look at her name tag and have to stifle a laugh.

Toothina Fairi.
Tooth fairy. Haha.

She has odd hair to. Blonde with a purple streak. With feather earrings and a green blouse paired with a white skirt. Anna seems to be eyeing her as well. Looking at her strangely.

"Here we go!" She hands them to us, still warm from the printer, and tells us where to find our lockers.
"And you both have locker partners. Sophomores and freshman classes are in that wing," she tells Anna "and juniors and seniors classes are in that wing. " She smiles at me, and I smile politely back.

Then she does something I wouldn't expect. She steps forward and examines my teeth in awe.

"Oh my goodness! What wonderful teeth! Pure white!" She exclaims. Um, should I do something? This is weird. Uh. Tooth fairy has a weird thing with teeth I'm guessing.

My eyes widen as Anna stares in surprise. We both did not see that coming.
"Um. Tank you?" I try to say as she still has my jaw looking at my teeth. She lets me go and Anna grabs my arm steering me out.

"Right well, we better get to class..." Anna says as she hurries out the door with me.

"Well, that was unexpected." I say as were out of ear shot.
She nods with a weirded out face and says goodbye as she heads of toward her wing.

I exhale loudly and try to find my way to my locker. I find it amidst a sea of juniors, and see a girl with wild red hair leaning next to it with a blonde.

"Ey, are you me new locker partner?" The red head asks in a strong Scottish accent that takes me a little by surprise.

I swallow and nod, showing her my locker number. I'm kind of scared to talk to her, she seems really strong.

"Merida! You're scaring her!" Says the blonde "she's really not mean!" She tells me.

"I'm Merida, and this 'ere is Punzie. She's in the next locker." Says the red that I now know as Merida.

"It's short for Rapunzel." Smiles Punzie.

"How 'bout you?" Asks Merida "you got ta name?"

"Um. Elsa." I say slow at first. "My name is Elsa Arendalle."

Viola! My first chapter. I hope you guys like it! Please leave a comment and I'll mention you in the next chapter. c;

AllyToast01 ❤️

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