Chapter 1: "Stressful week"

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My family has always been problematic. My mum and dad fight a lot and I think that they are only staying together because of me. I wish they broke up.

My dad tends to get violent when he’s mad, he has never laid a hand on my mum but I’ve had my fair share of slaps, even a punch sometimes. And as if that wasn’t enough, he has the shittiest genes. There’s a hearing problem running in his family and apparently it has passed on to me, meaning that now I have to wear a hearing aid.

For years I’ve been wishing to not get it but my prayers had gone to waste. I hate it, it’s been a week since I got diagnosed as hard of hearing and I absolutely hate it. I can’t believe this is happening to me.

Last week, I decided to dye my hair blonde, I cut them short too. That way my undercut was more visible. My friends haven’t seen me yet, but I can’t wait to see their reaction.

My mum knocked on the door to let me know it’s time to get up for school. I grabbed a white t-shirt and a pair of light-blue jeans, I slipped on my white air-force and brushed my hair. I’m not in the mood to get dressed or do anything of that matter, at least my arm tattoo was sowing. I put the box with my hearing aids in my backpack and wore my headphones instead. I made my way to the kitchen.

-“Ready for the first day of school monkey?” Mum said and I nodded. I’m not ready to face my friends, what if they notice? I haven’t told them and I don’t know when I’ll tell them.

I got in her car and she drove me to school. I took my headphones off and put them in my bag, I wore my hearing aids and made my way into the building. Thankfully they were in-ear ones and they were barely visible. My friends found me as soon as I walked in the building.

-“Oh my god Emma, your hair” Rachel screamed and I smiled.

-“Holy shit bro, you look great” Marcus exclaimed

-“I thought I needed a change”

-“The blonde really brings out the color of your eyes, you look hot and gay” Rachel added

-“We missed you bro, where have you been the past week?”

-“I missed you too guys, I’m sorry I was busy” I said and we went to take our schedule. We start walking to the secretary to get our schedules.

We have English, History, Physics and P.E together, I have math before the lunch break and Rachel and Marcus have biology. The bell rang and we walked to our first class of the day. It is English.

I do well in school, although I regret taking Math this year, specifically it is algebra, and I’m not that good, but I’m even worse in biology which was the only other option I had. English went by fast, the class is interesting and I took a lot of notes, History was quite interesting as well.

We had the same teachers as last year, sadly no new ones.

Up to that point I haven’t really talked with my friends. What if they say something and I don’t hear it, what if they want to whisper something in my ear and they notice, I can’t deal with this now.

We went in separate ways, I found my class and sat at a desk at the front, that way I’ll be able to hear and understand everything the teacher says, especially since Mr. Andrews is old and mumbles most of the things he says. I was early so I just there waiting for the teacher or the rest of the students.

Someone walked in and I turned to look at her. She was wearing light blue jeans, a white t-shirt, and black converse, she had brown shoulder-length hair. She smiled at me and left her tote bag on the teacher’s desk.

-“You are early” She said, her voice was warm and her tone sweet, she had some sort of accent.

-“Yeah, I guess” I stared at the floor awkwardly.

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