Chapter 19: "I need to go"

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The next morning we woke up and she was still laying on my chest, I kissed her cheek and we got up. After we got ready she helped me cover up my black eye. By the time she was done, you could barely see it.

-“Thank you babe” I said

-“Wait I’m not done”

-“But my eye is covered”

-“Yes but your neck isn’t” She chuckled and I took a better look in the mirror. I gasped.

-“Yours looks the same”

-“I know, but I don’t have nosy friends”

She covered up the hickeys on my neck and we left. The weather was starting to get warmer so we were both dressed in a hoodie and jeans.

We got in her car and she drove us to school. I went on with my day as usual, until it was time for her class.

It felt weird having her as my teacher, especially since I had seen her naked. I walked into the class and sat in my seat without looking at her. At some point during the class we locked eyes and she smiled at me. When the bell rang I stayed behind, she locked the door and walked over to me.

-“Are you ok?” She asked frowning

-“Yes, why?”

-“Because you only looked at me once during the entire lesson”

-“I know, I’m sorry, it felt a little weird”

-“I understand, hopefully, we can get used to this” I nodded and got up to leave. I went on with my day and made small talk with my friends.

When it was time to leave, my friends walked me to her car, they greeted her, and Rachel’s eyes immediately fell onto her neck.

-“Someone had fun” She commented and Alex moved her hand on her neck over the hickeys.

-“New girlfriend?” Marcus asked smirking and then they turned to look at me.

-“Nope, no girlfriend, just went out on Saturday night” She lied.

-“Did Emma come with you?” Rachel raised her eyebrows smirking.

-“No, I wouldn’t take my underage student out to a club with me” She said amused but I could tell she was shitting herself.

-“Well, you should have, she needs to loosen up a little” Marcus joked and nudged my arm.

-“I’ll pretend I did not hear that. Are we done discussing my love life? Because I would like to go home.”

-“Sure, bye Ms. Miller, bye Em”

-“Bye bro, Bye Ms. M”

They left and we got in her car, she let out a heavy breath and gripped the steering wheel tightly.

-“I didn’t think your friends were that nosy and I definitely wasn’t expecting them to be that bold with me”

-“I know, I was surprised too, I’ll ask them to stop treating you as a friend because it makes you uncomfortable.”

-“I don’t know Emma, this whole thing feels weird and it’s stressful and to be honest I’m terrified that we will get caught and that I’ll lose my job.”

-“I thought you liked me and you wanted me and all these bullshit you were telling me a few days ago”

-“I do, I really do Emma, but I’m scared, maybe we should pause this after all”

-“So you are breaking up with me?” I raised my voice.

-“No, I’m not, I’m just saying that we should stop seeing each other for a while”

-“Bullshit, that’s fucking bullshit Alex and you know it. Just admit that you want us to break up and get over with this.” I was now yelling and she was shaking her head.

-“I-I don’t want to but…”

-“Well, I think I do, I’m done with your fucking bullshit” I spat out and she started driving us to her house.

When we got there I immediately went to pack up my stuff, I would be going to Rachel’s, I couldn’t stay with her, I could barely look at her. I packed everything up and made my way to the door.

-“Emma, you don’t have to go” She said grabbing my arm.

-“I think I do” I said and tried to shake her hand off but her grip just got tighter.

-“Where are you going?”


-“Emma please” I turned to look at her and tears were running down her cheeks.

-“What do you even want Alexandra? Do you want me to wait for you when you’ve given me zero signs that this is going somewhere? Do you want me to keep staying at your house, pretending that I don’t want you or that I’m okay with that? You don’t even know what you want and I’m not going to stay around and let you play with my feelings until you decide” I was now tearing up and she was sobbing.

Rachel honked from outside and I got my bags and left, slamming the door behind me.

-“What happened Em?”

-“Can we please not talk about it, ever?”

-“Sure” We went to her house and I put my stuff in the guest room and dropped myself on the bed.

I felt so used and empty, she had sex with me and then dumped me. I mean she didn’t dump me but she wanted to. I’m so mad at her and so heartbroken at the same time.

For the next two weeks I was staying at Rachel’s house, I was only getting out of the room to go to school and occasionally eat something. I didn’t feel like eating or existing. My friends tried to make me talk but I didn’t, I didn’t want to tell them.

During class I never really looked at Ms. Miller anymore and I avoided interacting with her as much as I could.

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