Chapter 16: "At the café"

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The next morning I woke up to my phone ringing. It was Marcus who texted me to meet them at 11.00 at Diego's, it was a gay-friendly coffee shop.

I looked next to me and saw Alex sleeping peacefully, she had her mouth half open and she was drooling on the pillow, her hair was messy and her pants had rolled up. Even that way she looked adorable.

As I was scrolling through my phone I heard her mumbling something and started stirring anxiously. She put her hand on my stomach with force and I gasped, she opened her eyes and turned to look at me.

-"You are ok" She said and dropped herself on me.

-"I am, it was just a dream babe" She hugged me tighter and I caressed her head.

-"It was so confusing and awful, I saw that my ex and your dad teamed up against us and we went in the woods to fight them and you got too far and I couldn't find you, and I was running around but you had just vanished" I could feel her heart racing, I hadn't realized she cared about me that much. I rubbed circles on her back to calm her down.

-"It's okay, it was just a dream, I'm here"

-"Did I wake you up?"

-"No, I was already up, I was scrolling through my phone"

-"What time do you have to go?"

-"In about an hour"

-"Are you covering up the bruise?"

-"There's no point, they'll notice it, I'll just tell them what happened"

-"Are you sure? Because I'm sure I can cover it up pretty well"

-"Yes babe, I will need you to cover it up on Monday"

-"Okay, where are you meeting them?"

-"At Diego's"

-"That's a fifteen-minute drive, I'll take you"

-"Thank you" She still hasn't lifted her head from my chest. We cuddled until it was time to get dressed. I went into the bathroom and when I got into the bedroom she was taking her top off, I gasped and turned around. I heard her laughing.

-"Emma, you know you can look right?" She was giggling at my reaction. "You can turn now, I'm fully dressed" I turned and she was wearing a long sleeves top and sweatpants, I pouted at the sight and she shook her head amused. She left the room and let me get dressed.

When I was done I got out and she drove me to the Café. On our way there I was getting more and more anxious about telling my friends, I moved my leg up and down and played with my spinner ring. She pulled over and put her hand on my thigh.

-"Don't stress yourself out, everything is going to be ok, your friends love you and care about you, you can trust them with this"

-"I know, thank you. Can you please hug me?" I really needed it to help me calm my nerves, I don't even know what I'm stressing about.

-"Aw, of course baby" She leaned over and pulled me into a tight hug.

-"Thank you Alex" she pecked my lips and I got out of her car.

-"Text me when you're done" she said from her open window and I nodded.

I got in and found where my friends were sitting, I joined them and they gasped as they looked at me.

-"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED?" They both yelled. I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck.

-"Both my parents got drunk and they fought, they started hitting each other and I jumped in to help my mum because my dad was about to knock her out"

I'm sorry Ms. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now