Chapter 4: "At the park"

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Things at home were getting harder to deal with, my parents started fighting on a daily basis and nothing helped me ease my mind, not even drawing. It was Wednesday night and my parents have been fighting for more than an hour. I grabbed my favorite book and my headphones and went to the park, this time I was alone. I lay on the grass and put my headphones on. I started reading my book. I was so focused I didn’t notice the familiar brunette approaching me.

-“Need company?” I nodded and she sat next to me. She sighed and I looked at her, her eyes were red and she smelled like alcohol.

-“Is everything alright Ms.?” She shrugged. “Do you want to talk about it?” She shook her head no.

Her breathing was heavy and irregular.

-“How much did you have to drink?” She raised her eyebrows. “I have a nose” I smirked and she rolled her eyes.

-“A lot” I nodded. “Were your parents fighting again?” She asked, obviously trying to change the subject.


-“And what are you reading?”

-“Aristotle and Dante dive into the waters of the world”

-“That’s such a great book, it’s definitely one of my favorites”

-“You’ve read it?”

-“Duh, it talks about the discrimination against gay people and the struggles they are facing”

-“It also talks about how hard it is to accept and love yourself for who you are”

-“Yeah, I think every teenager needs to read it”

I went back to reading and she leaned over my shoulder to read with me, I turned and looked at her and smiled. She was beautiful.

After an hour of us sitting there I saw her shivering and noticed she was wearing only a shirt and jeans. I took my jacket off and placed it on her shoulders.

-“You are going to freeze Emma”

-“No, you are going to freeze, I’m wearing a hoodie and a t-shirt underneath.” She smiled

-“Thank you” She looked so cute and I wanted to hug her.

-“So, why were you drinking?”

-“I got into a fight with my girlfriend and I needed an escape” She sighed and looked down.

-“You are gay?” I exclaimed, earning a small smile from her.

-“You didn’t realize earlier?”

-“NO” I yelled “Holy fuck, you are gay” I repeated trying to process what the heck I just learned.

-“Yes Emma, I’m a lesbian” She said amused and I looked at her shocked. “Your gaydar must be broken”

-“It looks like it” “So, why did you fight?”

-“I don’t really wanna talk about it” I nodded and placed my hand on her back, she turned to look at me and I gave her a small smile.

-“So, do you have a girlfriend?”


-“How come?”

-“In case you haven’t noticed, I’m shy as fuck, plus I don’t think anyone would be interested in dating me”

-“I’ve noticed the shy part, but I don’t get why wouldn’t people be interested in you, you are sweet and funny, from what I’ve seen”

I'm sorry Ms. MillerWhere stories live. Discover now