Chapter 9: "At her house"

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-“You can come to mine if you want, it’s nearby” I nodded and we started walking, five minutes later we were outside her house.

She unlocked the door, and we got in. We took our jackets off and our clothes were soaked and stuck on us. Her white top had gone see-through, and I could see her bra from underneath. She cleared her throat to catch my attention and I smiled at her. She shook her head amused. My sweatshirt was dripping and it was heavy.

-“Let's go get changed, I’ll give you something else to wear.”

I followed her to a hallway and she got into a room that I assume was her bedroom.

-“You can come in” She said and I did, it was a cozy room with a double bed, two nightstands and a closet. She opened the closet and pulled out a change of clothes. Her closet was perfectly organized.

She showed me where the bathroom was, and I got in to change. It had a bathtub with jets, a sink with a nice mirror, and a toilet, it was extremely clean and well-organized.

I looked at the clothes and noticed she had given me a towel as well. I took off mine and wiped my hair and body, I also took off my bra which was soaked. I wore the hoodie and the sweatpants she gave me. I got out and waited in the hall, five minutes later she came out of her bedroom wearing a white oversized t-shirt, and grey Nike sweatpants with Nike socks. Her hair was messy.

I followed her to the living room. It had a couch, a coffee table, a tv and two big bookcases filled with books, on the corner, there was an electric guitar. It wasn’t big but it was cozy and cute. We sat on the couch.

-“Your house is nice”

-“Thank you, it’s a bit small, but it used to be my parents' house. They passed it to me when I got this job”

-“Oh, that’s good”

-“Yep” I let my eyes wander on her arms, there were multiple bruises spread on them. She looked at me with sad eyes.

-“How could she do that?” I was upset “You are one of the kindest people I’ve met. It makes no sense” she moved closer and I put my hand around her waist pulling her into a hug. After a few minutes, she pulled away.

-“I’m hungry, what about you?”

-“I could eat something”

-“I’ll go cook, any allergies?”

-“Nope” She got up and went to the kitchen and I followed her. She took out a box of spaghetti and the other ingredients. I watched her cooking and she put the pasta whole in a large pot.

-“Aren’t you supposed to break them?” She looked at me and her eyes widened.

-“You never break spaghetti” She yelled in an Italian accent while moving her hands, causing me to laugh. She smiled and went back to cooking. After some time she served us two plates and sat next to me.

-“So, what is this?”

-“Carbonara” she said in an Italian accent.

-“Your accent is so cute” She chuckled “But you used eggs?”

-“Yes, because the original recipe is with eggs not with that disgusting heavy cream” I chuckled and shook my head. I took a bite and gasped at the difference.

-“Oh god, that’s amazing. You are an incredible cook”

-“Thank you, I’m aware”

-“Cocky, I like it” She laughed and we ate. When we were done she took the plates to the sink and we went back to the living room. “Do you speak Italian?”

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