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"Rosalie, Aella. Let's go. I have business with the king today," Father announced. He was only being nice because Rosa was around. When it was just us... "Papa, are we going to see the Princes today?" my twin asked him sweetly. He smiled and patted her head, "You will. Remember to play nice and do what they want, maybe one day you'll marry one of them, my little Rosa." I gagged, we were 10, wasn't that a little early to marry off your daughter? Father glared at me, his burnt orange eyes stared daggers into mine. I wasn't sure why he hated me so much, perhaps it was because my hair and eye color were identical to his and he hated himself. Rosalie on the other hand looked like our mother, dark hair and eyes. She was beautiful, but I hated her. All she cared about were the Princes and sucking up to Father. She was just as vicious to me as Father was, except it was psychological warfare versus physical.

He held her hand as we walked, I was slightly behind them, kicking rocks along the way. I hated going to the castle. I hated the way the younger Prince looked at me. He had an "I'm-better-than-you" vibe about him I couldn't stand. The elder Prince didn't seem to care about anyone, which I appreciated honestly. He and I could sit in a room together and never speak, it was perfect. "Run along, Rosalie. I'll send Aella after you," Father told her at the bottom of the stairs to the castle entrance. Great, I knew what was about to happen. She smiled sweetly at him then gave me a sinister smirk before heading inside, she knew what Father was going to do as well. As soon as she was out of view, Father grabbed my wrist tightly. I felt a crack but I'd gotten so used to the pain I didn't react anymore. Well, it was a little of that and a little of I didn't want to give him the satisfaction. It probably made the beatings worse but I was stubborn and I'd rather him beat me harder than give him what he wanted.

He slapped me hard across the face, I spit up blood on the ground, but he wasn't done there. His fist connected with my stomach a few times. I couldn't pull my wrist away from him so I let him do what he wanted. He finished by throwing me to the ground. "Go inside. Try not to fuck anything up. Don't speak unless spoken to and for fuck's sake, clean yourself up," he growled at me before turning on his heel to go inside. I looked up and briefly saw the younger Prince in one of the windows. I wasn't sure how much of that he'd seen but I didn't really give a shit. I picked myself up, my injuries were already starting to heal. Possibly another reason why Father beat me so much, my body seemed to heal faster than even some of the upper ranked demons and no one really knew why. A couple of the servants looked at me with pity as I walked to the bathroom I'd regularly wash the dirt and blood off my body. Once I finished I looked for my twin and the Princes. I didn't want to but the last time I played hooky, I didn't eat for a few days.

The elder Prince, Meliodas, met my gaze as I walked into the room. His black eyes met my own, I never let them see my natural eye color. It wasn't something I cared to share with anyone but my family who already knew. I didn't know what his natural eye color was and neither of us cared. His eyes returned to my twin's face, who was chatting nonstop at him, making me snicker a little. He instantly glared at me so I shrugged at him. The younger Prince was by them as well, he'd completely ignored me coming into the room which was more than fine by me. If I never had to see his face again, I'd be more than happy. It started 4 years ago, when Father forced us to attend his 6th birthday party.

"Happy birthday, Zeldris! I hope you and I can play together," Rosalie grinned at him. He nodded and gave her a small, uninterested smile. Father shoved me closer to him, "Happy birthday, Prince Zeldris," I grumbled. He seemed offended by my tone, making me roll my eyes. Father could see from his reaction that I'd done something, he drug me out of the room to throw me on the ground and kick me. "He's your Prince, you useless little bitch. Act like you have an inkling of intelligence for once," he spat at me. I glanced up and saw Meliodas, his face was blank, though he'd definitely witnessed my Father beating me. I sensed him, but Father didn't. I rejoined the party, wiping the blood from my mouth that I'd coughed up.

I hate you (Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now