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We landed in a nearby village full of humans minding their own businesses. It was clear none of them were warriors, just common folk. Farmers and small town merchants. Zeldris' aura was monstrous and terrifying, his moniker as the Prince of Darkness ringing true in moments like this. I wanted to warn them, protect them...but as soon as I'd try he'd order me to stop. The villagers looked at him, his black eyes and cold, intimidating presence, and soon realized they were in danger. Once they looked at him though, it was all over. As soon as they turned their backs on him, they fell victim to his Commandment: Piety. He ordered those that now served the Demon King and him by extension to grab the others. But there weren't enough to gather all of them, which is when he looked at me.

Tears stung my eyes immediately, I knew what he was about to do so I started begging him, "Please Zel...please don't make me do this," my tears overflowed as I pleaded with him. "Don't...I can't handle this, I can't help you. It'll destroy me...don't use my curse to make me hurt anyone...please!" He wasn't listening, too angry and hurt by his older brother to see how much he was going to hurt me by doing this. "Grab the others and bring them here. Whoever you find, just don't kill them. And stop crying," he ordered, watching my eyes glow. Before I went to do as he commanded, I endured the pain to tell him this, "This right here. This is why I hated you growing up. You haven't changed, have you? Once a spoiled brat, always a spoiled brat," I growled at him. He frowned and grabbed my face roughly to stare into my now black eyes with his. He kissed my lips hard before saying, "Even if you say you hate me, this is me and always has been. You love me whether you like it or not. I'll fuck you into submission if I have to, and I know you'll enjoy every second of it. Love and hate are two sides of the same coin, Aella. Now go, do as I said so I can take you somewhere and you can let the man you hate fuck you again, just like you desperately want." He pulled me closer to him and licked my neck lewdly then sucked on my ear, making me shudder and moan quietly. He smirked, he knew I couldn't resist him whether I reverted back to hating him or not.

I did as he commanded, grabbing those the enslaved villagers missed. I couldn't cry as they screamed and begged me not to take them. They were defenseless and internally I was seething but I couldn't disobey him no matter how hard I tried. I watched in horror as he consumed all of their souls, one by one, my hatred resurfacing with each soul. Then he ate the souls of the ones he'd enslaved, releasing them from his Commandment first to watch them become terrified yet again, sickening me. I bared my teeth at him when he approached me after finishing, he smirked in response and grabbed my hand in his to pull me into an alley. He shoved me up against one of the walls and kissed my lips angrily. I tried resisting but I couldn't...I wanted him too much whether I was starting to hate him again or not.

I bit his lip hard, making him grip my waist harder in return, digging his fingers into my flesh to bruise me. He pulled his own shirt off before stripping me out of mine then bit and sucked his way down my neck to my chest. My fingers were in his hair, pulling hard. I wanted to hurt him, but it turned him on more and him hurting me back made me even wetter. I wanted it. I wanted him to fuck me into submission. I was trapped into loving this man I hated, I couldn't help myself. He was everything to me and it made me so angry in that moment. He moved his mouth back to my neck briefly as he fiddled with his pants to pull his throbbing cock out, I dug my fingernails into his back, drawing blood. He groaned from the pain that was giving him so much pleasure. He sucked and bit my nipples as he pulled my shorts off then looked at me in my black eyes with his. "Let me see your natural eyes as I fuck you," he grinned mischievously, his own eyes staying black. My eyes turned orange again as he picked me up and thrusted into me. "You're so fucking wet, you love this don't you," he whispered gruffly.

I moaned loudly despite trying to keep it in, "I hate you so much right now," I panted out, "Fuck me harder!" He snickered, "You can try to hate me all you want, but you don't. You love me and you know it," he breathed into my ear, delivering on my request to fuck me harder. I was biting my lip to stifle any and all noises that tried to escape, my arms wrapped around his neck as he sucked on mine, leaving hickies up and down it. "Tell me how I'm making you feel right now," he demanded. My eyes glowed as I glared into his with irritation, "So fucking good...I love the way your cock feels inside me," I moaned out. He smirked and kissed me, forcing his tongue in my mouth and dominating mine. I was loving every second of this but I was stubbornly trying to hate it. "Tell me the truth: do you love me? Or do you hate me?" his grin made me so mad right then because he knew already he just wanted to force me to say it because I was angry with him.

I hate you (Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now