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I hated to admit, but I slept exceedingly well that night. I was disgusted with myself for it and by how happy I was to be held by Zeldris as I slept. By how happy I was to wake up next to him and snuggle up to him. He prevented me from doing what I told him I'd do: protect Meliodas. By using my curse against me, yet again. And I kept forgiving him. Why? Was my love for him really that strong? It was, making me even more disgusted with myself. Especially so when I woke up the next morning and kissed him, licking his bottom lip so I could taste him. He grabbed my ass tightly and pulled me closer to him, making me moan as I felt him getting hard against me. I kissed his neck, sucking gently after every couple of kisses, and grabbed his cock to stroke him. He smirked happily against my lips before rolling onto his back and pulling me on top of him. I moaned when he bucked his hips, thrusting his dick against my pussy, making me want to strip out of my clothes even faster. I was leaned over, kissing his neck when he whispered in my ear, his voice was dark, "Suck my cock before you fuck me." My eyes glowed and I did as he demanded, kissing his lips, his neck, down his chest and abs, then the head of his dick. I swirled my tongue around his head, before sucking on it softly. He groaned from the sensation but didn't want me teasing him. "Be a good girl and suck my dick properly," he growled. I took him completely in my mouth as my eyes glowed again, moaning in the process from quite literally being his personal sex slave from his words and my curse.

He groaned again, my mouth around his dick was the perfect way to wake up in the morning. My head bobbed up and down, my tongue pressing hard against him and my teeth occasionally grazing against his skin. I removed my mouth, making him frown for two seconds until he felt my tongue on his balls, my hand jerking him simultaneously. He moaned in delight and was getting closer to cumming as I continued sucking his dick. He put his fingers in my hair, controlling the speed of my movement, "You're such a good dick sucker," he praised right before thrusting into my mouth further and releasing his load down my throat. He inhaled sharply when I kept going, before insisting I stop so he could fuck me instead. "Get on your hands and knees, I wanna fuck you from behind," he ordered. My cunt was throbbing, dripping in anticipation. My curse forcing me to do as he said in this moment was making me even more excited as my body essentially moved on it's own. The lack of control drove me nuts when it came to being fucked by him.

He thrusted into me easily, my pussy sucked him in. "For fuck's sake, you feel so good around me. It makes me crazy," he growled, gripping my hips tightly and slamming into me. I was moaning constantly, but louder with each thrust. He loved all the noises I was making for him but wanted more. He reached under me, between my legs, to rub my clit as he fucked me. "Tell me how you feel right now," he demanded. "Amazing! It feels so good, I'm a slave to your dick," I breathed out between my even louder moans. He grinned, "Are you gonna cum for me?" I tried responding but my head was clouded from all the pleasure I could no longer form coherent sentences, instead nodding and whining. He snickered, "That fucked out expression looks so pretty on you." The tension in my core was nearly unbearable when it finally released, it was a scream worthy orgasm and the feeling of my pussy constricting around his cock was too much after already cumming in my mouth. He came with me, his groans muffled by my screaming.

We collapsed on our makeshift bed and tried to catch our breath when we heard Estarossa shout from another room, "As happy as I am that you're getting laid, little brother, can you not fuck her so early in the morning? Some of us are trying to sleep!" We couldn't keep from giggling, grinning at each other before he kissed my lips sweetly. "I love you, Aella. So much. Everything I do is for you...and to protect you," he whispered. I smiled softly, "I love you too, Zel. I'd be lost without you," I whispered back. He smiled softly and caressed my cheek, "How do you feel today? I know yesterday was hard for you," he asked quietly, his green eyes searching my orange ones. I frowned at him, "I'm upset still. It was devastating for me, Zel. Not just hard. I don't know if your Father told you or not, since he told you about me. But Meliodas is immortal too and when he comes back he loses his emotions. It's not going to be pretty, I have a feeling he'll be like the old Meliodas. Before he left the demon realm. I don't know what that means for Britannia, but I'd be prepared to face the brother you once knew versus the one now. When he was the most vile demon in existence. That's the one that's coming back."

He frowned back at me, unsure how to feel about this. "Father told me about it, but I hadn't considered how it'd effect you and I," he admitted. I sighed heavily and poked his chest hard with my finger, "You know what happens if he uses Assault Mode. There's only so much I can do before he'll completely overpower me, Zel. I can still do that mode but he's always been stronger. One slip up on my end in terms of slowing down or distraction and it's over. You better hope for our sakes he switches back to the demon's side or we're both dead." His eyes lit up with excitement as he ignored literally everything I said after "I can still do that mode" and said "How could I forget about that?! You're a vicious little shit that way," he giggled like a giddy little kid, "That will be a fun time to make you submit to me. That's when I wanted to fuck you most back then. You're already mouthy but the way you are like that." He grinned mischievously, "I wanted to choke you with my cock so you knew who was really in charge," he whispered gruffly and kissed me hard. I couldn't help but grin, "Maybe later. I need food first." He faked a pout then kissed my forehead, "Okay. Let's get some food."

I grabbed his hand after we both got cleaned up and headed outside. "If you wanna take over Britannia, you should do it while Mel is gone. It'll be a little while before he's back so send the others in groups to take places little by little. Cover more ground that way," I told him. He smiled, "Look at you being a little strategist. I've got it covered though, I told them last night to head out this morning," he informed me. I guess I hadn't noticed the place was empty now except for us. Even Estarossa was gone. "What kind of food do you want?" he asked, inhaling the fresh air with a deep breath then letting it out slowly. I hummed, "I've been told there's a village in the north that has some good ale, probably something decent to eat as well. We could go there. It's pretty far north though," I told him. He grinned, "Not a problem. We can fill up then make our way back by stopping at the villages between and enslave the people there. My Commandment is pretty handy." My wings appeared, "Sounds like a plan!"

We made our way to Bernia without any issue and landed just outside. "Before we terrorize them, can we hang out and get some ale and food?" I asked him sweetly as I held onto his arm while we walked. He smiled, "How can I say no when you're being this cute?" Surprisingly, no one seemed to notice us much. Evidently he could dampen his negative aura if he really wanted to, he just usually didn't. "Aren't you two kids adorable?" an older woman gushed as we walked up to her stall where she was selling some cured meats and bread. "Oh, we're not kids," I corrected her, smiling. I was used to this with Meliodas. She smiled and decided to ignore me, "Why don't you kids take these? I made too much and I don't want them to go to waste. Plus you're so cute, I couldn't turn your little faces away!" I could feel Zeldris getting irritated so I squeezed his arm and giggled, "Thank you ma'am! We really appreciate it!" I took the food from her and giggled at Zeldris' scowl, "Calm down, Zel. She didn't mean anything by it. Plus we got some food!"

He huffed but took some of the meat and bread I handed him and ate it as we walked around the village. It wasn't very big but it seemed nice. "Getting ale is gonna be a problem if they think we're children," he scoffed. I giggled again, "That's why we steal it!" I pointed at a storage building that was attached to the local tavern. It then occurred to me we could go to the Boar Hat instead, it was likely they had Meliodas there but the others were probably out trying to stop the Commandments and the rest of the demon army. I hummed and thought about it. I knew Meliodas had really good booze there from all over Britannia. "Hey Zel," I stopped before we went into the storage room. He hummed and turned around, "What is it, Aella?" I grinned mischievously, "Do you wanna go to the Boar Hat instead? Meliodas always kept nice booze from all over Britannia. I have a feeling the only ones there are Elizabeth and the talking pig Hawk." He returned my mischievous grin, "Sure. Why not?"

Before we left, Zeldris went through and used his Commandment to enslave the villagers, making them serve the Demon King. I felt bad about the older woman, but if she wasn't enslaved he'd kill her instead. Mindless servitude was better than death...right? I was starting to waffle again on who's side I should really be on in moments like this. But when I looked at him and his smile...it didn't feel as bad. The Boar Hat was stationed in between Bernia and Liones, I couldn't feel anyone but Elizabeth there, confirming my suspicions. "Zel. I'm serious about this. Don't hurt her. Meliodas was one thing but she doesn't even know who she actually is at the moment. If you don't hurt her, when we head back to Edinburgh I'll use that mode and you can fuck me however you want. Sound good?" I told him as we flew towards Meliodas' tavern. He grinned, thinking about what he was gonna do to me later, "Deal. You're probably gonna regret saying however I want, though." I smirked, "I highly doubt that. There's not a lot you could do to me that would make me regret getting fucked by you."

I hate you (Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now