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A couple days had passed since I'd joined Zeldris in Edinburgh. We were laying in the makeshift bed we'd made in a strangely shaped room, it was early morning. I was absentmindedly drawing invisible pictures on his bare chest with my finger while he held me, his eyes closed but awake nonetheless. I smirked, then trailed my fingers down his stomach and into his pants, grabbing his dick in my hand. He moaned quietly as I jerked him off slowly, opening his eyes slightly to look at me long enough to kiss me. His kiss was rough and needy as his tongue slipped into my mouth, hungrily tasting every corner. He shoved me down and climbed on top of me, trailing kisses down my jaw to my neck then my chest. He nibbled on my nipples, making me squeal. He smirked and covered my mouth with his hand tightly so as to not wake anyone, then continued nibbling and sucking. I squirmed a little, slightly irritating him, mostly because he wanted to tease me more and I was making it difficult.

He pushed himself up then pulled my shorts off and stripped out of his. He admired my naked body before him then wrapped one of his hands around my throat, holding my face in place as he kissed me extra rough. He bit my lip when he pulled away and stared into my eyes, "Tell me what you want," he demanded. He watched as my eyes glowed a little, he didn't like that I was cursed but he loved it for this purpose. "I want you to fuck me however you want. Degrade me, choke me, anything, just fuck me please," I breathed out, he'd tightened his grip slightly on my throat making it a little more difficult to breathe. He grinned, almost evilly, his eyes black, then tightened his grip just a tad more, "However I want? What a little slut. You don't even care how you get fucked as long as I stuff you full." He thrusted into me hard suddenly, making me moan, or it would've been if he hadn't been choking me.

"I should've fucked you a long time ago. You would've begged me for my cock inside you after the first time, I saw the way you looked at me. It wasn't hatred, it was lust," he chuckled as I made an irritated face at him. He was thrusting into me hard but slow, making me grunt with every one. "You called me a spoiled brat so many times but you wanted this spoiled brat's dick in your mouth and pussy twice as much as you called me that," he whispered gruffly in my ear. "I'm right, aren't I? That's why you keep looking at me like that now. You're embarrassed that someone like me made you so wet," he licked my ear, making me moan. "These ridiculous pointy ears," he nibbled on my ear lobe, "they're so cute. It made me so fucking mad that I wanted to fuck you. You were so irritating...I wanted to shove my cock in your mouth just to shut you up." I moaned at the thought of him dominating me back then.

"I fantasized about it more times than I could count and it made me angrier the couple of times we did. You were so irritating, why did I love you?" he growled this time, tightening his grip so much on my throat my vision started to get spotty. But just as quickly as he'd tightened his hand, he relaxed it completely, his eyes changing back to green. "That's why it hurt so much when you left me. I understood why you had to leave, but I didn't want you to. I loved you so much, I just didn't want to admit it until I ran into you that day," he whispered in my ear. He was fucking me softer now, more love than lust. He kissed my lips gently yet passionately. The stark contrast got me, and I came unexpectedly, moaning quietly into his mouth. I ran my fingers through his black hair, never wanting this moment to end. My hearts felt like they were exploding with happiness right then. I felt him twitch a little, then his hot cum squirt into me. He kissed my lips again then my stupid ears, giggling as I struggled to make him stop. "I know you hate them, but I love them. They're adorable," he grinned at me.

I sighed then grinned, "I believe you. I love you, Zel. I'm so happy I realized it...but, I wouldn't of had it not been for Meliodas..." I admitted, he frowned at the mentioning of his brother. "I'm serious, Zel. I didn't know what I was feeling and he explained it to me. If it wasn't for him...I don't know how long it would've taken me to get to this point," I insisted quietly. He rolled his eyes and sighed, trying to get up but I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his little nose before finally letting him go. He was annoyed but I saw him smile as he got up. We threw on our clothes and went outside. The sun was just starting to rise, so we sat and watched it together. We were the only ones up, it was nice. "It's so peaceful out here right now," I murmured, interlocking my fingers with his. He smiled softly, he knew deep down he didn't care about this war and he wanted to do this with me instead but he was stubborn and couldn't let his yearning for revenge go so easily. We heard some shuffling and footsteps probably an hour later, we'd been sitting in silence, enjoying each other's company. My head was resting on his shoulder, his arm around my waist.

"Isn't this sweet? Two little lovesick demons," we heard a voice behind us. We turned our heads over our shoulders to glare at whoever it was. A...human? "What do you want, Fraudrin?" Zeldris asked, his voice full of irritation. So he was inside this human. Strange. "Nothing really, except to ask when you plan to lead us in taking over Britannia," he explained. Zeldris exhaled sharply through his nose, "None of you have replenished all of your magic yet. Do you really want to get sealed away again because we're not ready? Have a little patience and get out of my face." He frowned at his leader but ultimately listened, I giggled. "You're sexy when you're ordering them around," I whispered, his cheeks flushed but he grinned.

It was kind of funny, we hung out all day around the castle, chatting occasionally with one another. I answered their questions on what had changed over the years in Britannia. Acting as if I were their friend, likely because I was their leader's lover. Around early afternoon, the sky turned pitch black suddenly before returning back to blue. I had a suspicion it had to do with Meliodas and I was right when he appeared right in front of the castle. I jumped down excitedly, "Mel!" I grinned at him. I was going to hug him when Zeldris jumped down next to me and grabbed my wrist tightly. "What are you doing here, Meliodas?" he growled. I realized if he'd been teleported here he'd easily be able to teleport back to wherever he came from, taking me with him had he gotten ahold of me. "That's not a very nice way to greet your older brother, Zel," he grinned, glancing at me. "Are you okay, Aella?" he asked.

"I'm fine, Mel. You know he wouldn't hurt me," I answered quietly. He nodded and looked back at his angry little brother, "I just wanted to come say hi, and to warn you." Zeldris scoffed, "Warn me of what?" Meliodas giggled, "If you don't call off this war, we'll stop you through any means necessary." He glanced at me again as he said this, as if he was hinting at something involving me. Zeldris caught this, he was sharp. "You touch her, you die," he hissed. Meliodas held up his hands, "I wouldn't dream of it. She's like a baby sister to me. But still, call it off or else, Zel. This is your last chance." Zeldris spit on the ground and smirked, "We're not going to stop until the rest of the clans are dead or serve the Demon King." Meliodas sighed, "So be it. Aella, are you really going to let him do this? Is this what you want? Come home, we can stop them together." It wasn't what I wanted, I wanted to stop him but I also didn't want to betray him. I loved him.

I shifted forward a little, barely taking a step. "Don't leave my side," Zeldris muttered, only Meliodas and I could hear him as my eyes glowed brighter, keeping me next to the dark haired brother. The only thing the blonde brother could do for me was to physically take me away but he wasn't sure how that'd effect me, nor would his brother let him so easily. Meliodas gave me a sad smile, "I hope I see you again under better circumstances, Aella. I miss you," he admitted softly before he disappeared again. I sighed heavily, "Zel...This is gonna tear me apart. I love you, but I love him too, like he's my big brother. You gotta understand I don't want to see either of you get hurt..." I tried explaining but he was too blinded by his feelings of betrayal that it wasn't reaching him. He grunted before grabbing my hand and pulling me back up to the castle. He looked at his team, "Now's the time. Go out in groups of two or three and enslave or get rid of any other clan members by any means necessary. Finish restoring your magic, take over whatever villages or cities you wish. I don't care," he ordered them. I was standing behind him slightly, my eyes watching him sadly. "Is this your declaration of war on Meliodas?" Fraudrin asked. Zeldris made a face, it was cold and determined mixed with a little evil, "Not war. An extermination. Now go."

They scattered without another word except us and Estarossa. I didn't say a word, Zel knew I wasn't happy and I didn't need to reiterate it. He grabbed my hand and started walking. "Where are we going?" I asked softly. He didn't look back at me as we took flight, "I need to restore my own magic faster. Should be some more villages around here they haven't touched." I didn't know exactly what he meant except that it was going to hurt people. I started to struggle against him but he was in no mood, "Stop struggling," he ordered. Meliodas was right. Zeldris was going to use this against me. He loved me...but vengeance was his top priority and having me do whatever he wanted would make this a hell of a lot easier. My hearts dropped at this realization and I started regretting staying.

I hate you (Zeldris x OC)Where stories live. Discover now