Blake Gallo

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It had been a few weeks and I'd gone to the firehouse after school. Joe was sat at the squad table with Capp, Tony and Severide.

"I thought you were going straight home?" said Joe.
"Well, yeah but I called Chloe and asked and she said I could come here."
"You're glad I actually like you."
"So funny Joe. I'm gonna go find Ritter."
"He was in the common room 5 minutes ago." said Kelly.
"Thanks Severide

I walked into the common room, head down to my feet. I hear voices and lift it up. My eyes meet a full common room.
"Hey,look who it is."
"Hey Ritter."
I take my bag off and sit down on the chair next to him. There's an awkward silence as my eyes are locked on the man in front of me.

"Who are you?" I finally pluck up the courage to ask.
"Blake Gallo."
"Right. So you're taking my dad's job now?"
"Vik, be nice." said Ritter.
"Nice to meet you too." said Gallo.
"Oh please."

I stand up with my bag and end up storming outside.
"We need that door on its hinges Vik." said Joe.
"That new guy on truck is a jerk." I say and I walk and sit in front of the memorial for my dad, Otis.

"Hi dad. I know you can't hear me. I went back to school today, for the first time since you died. It was sort of bad. Everyone had found out one way or another and they didn't stop staring. I guess that's what you get. I miss you. I don't know how I'm managing but I am. Joe, Chloe, 51 and Ava-Grace have helped me so much and I know the pain will die down soon, but when? When will I be able to get away from my thoughts and get a good night's sleep or smile and laugh without being struck with insurmountable grief. I'm rambling but, I love you dad. So, so much."

The alarms go off so I move and end up heading inside to the locker room. There was a box in the floor with my Dad's things in and a lock on what used to be his locker. Wow. Already replaced. I take the photos out of the box and - with care - place them into a plastic wallet to keep them safe in the long run. I hear footsteps behind me, but don't bother to turn around until there is a voice.

"Look, I'm sorry if I was a jerk. I didn't intend to but if I was then I'm sorry."
I turn and look to the man behind you.
"Gallo, right?" he nods
"It's my fault. I over-reacted. I guess-" I say.
"You don't need to explain. I get it."
"Yeah. Something similar happened to me." he says.
"What?" he looks into his hands as I say it, "Sorry. I shouldn't have asked."
"I was 12, I woke up to smoke in the house so I got the bright idea of hiding in the closet. Maybe a few minutes later there was a guy stood there. I thought he was the Incredible Hulk he was that big."
You both laughed slightly.
"I was breathing fresh air within seconds. I lost my whole family in that fire."
I sit there, a bit taken back.
"I'm just trying to say that I get it and I promise, it gets easier." he says.
"When will it stop?"
"It's never gonna go away fully but overtime it will get easier. Whether it feels like it or not."
You nod, slowly, before wiping away the stray tear and holding out your hand.
"Viktoria Zvonecek."
"Blake Gallo."

"Hey kiddo, Chloe's here." It was Joe.
I nod and wave bye to Gallo as o grab my bag and walk out to the car with Joe.
"Talking to the new guy?"
"He's not as much of a jerk as I thought." I say.

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