The Wedding

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The day had finally come. After months and months of planning, dress shopping and florist visits, it was the day of Cruz and Chloe's wedding.
"How's the bride to be?" I ask, walking into her room where she was propped up on the bed.
"So excited."
"As she should be... How do you think Joe is."
"You know, I think he might be okay. Yes, he wanted your dad here for this but he's managing through life, one step at a time without him. Just like you."
9 nod and hug into her side.
"Have you picked out the music yet?" I ask. She laughs and puts her phone down.
"I was hoping you'd make a playlist."
"O.M.G YESSSSS" I jump off the bed and open Spotify on my phone.
"Hold your horses woman." Chloe says, "There's a few you need to have."
"Okay so, Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars because it was the song he played right after he asked me to be his girlfriend. Happy by Pharrell Williams was the song playing in the restaurant on our first date. Enchanted by Taylor Swift for the song I made him play after we got engaged. Anything ABBA and anything Bruno Mars. Oh and Don't Go Breaking My Heart by Elton John and Kiki Dee."
"That doesn't seem like an unreasonable request." I say.


A few hours later and it's time to get ready. Chloe's got her makeup on and her hair is being done, the bridesmaids just need to get their dresses on and I'm all ready.

My hair was down and curled with me wearing a long sleeved, burgundy dress along with a pair of converse. I have a pair of gold studs in both your piercings.

"I'll see you out there Mrs Cruz." I say.
"Alright. Oh my god, I'm gonna be Mrs Cruz in less than an hour and a half"
"You are."

I leave the bridal party getting ready station and head to the grooms/ groomsmen room. I knock at the door, twice to be exact.
"Who is it?" yells a voice.
The door unlocks to reveal a stressed Cruz.

"This room needs some serious help." I say whilst walking inside.
"Right, Cruz, sit. Severide, get him a glass of water, Casey get the rest of them looking half presentable."


After an eventful hour in the mens room, I head out to the main church where the ceremony would happen. People were going to start arriving in around 5 minutes. I see Ritter and Gallo stood at the door.

Gallo and myself had ended up becoming close. You were quite similar and had a lot to gossip about. However, Ritter was always going to be your firehouse bestie.

"Here are the first ones." says Ritter, "look presentable."
"Oh shush," I say, "let's get this bit over with."

"Mr and Mrs Green, how lovely you could make it." I say.
"Will there be wine?" the woman says as she and her husband walk past to take their seats.
"Incoming." says Ritter.


Everyone was seated and it was the moment everyone had been looking for. The music starts and everyone stands up to Chloe walking down the aisle. She looked stunning.

As she walks past, her father next to her, she makes eye contact with me and smiles. I return the smile.

Everyone is seated and the ceremony begins.
"Today,we are here to join Joe Cruz and Chloe Allen in holy matrimony."

The ceremony goes on and as I'm  about to fall asleep I hear the big words.
"Joe Cruz, do you take Chloe Allen as your lawfully wedded wife?"
He looks her deep in the eyes,"I do."
She smiles.
"Chloe Allen, do you take Joe Cruz to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
She smiles again, "I do."
"By the power invested in me I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride."

As they share their first kiss as husband and wife everyone stands and claps.


After a few photos and a lot of talking, I  find myself next to Joe and Chloe.
"I'm so glad you two got your happy ending."
Joe nods, "Otis would be proud."
"He'd be proud of the lot of us." I say.

You three join in a hug which is soon taken as a group hug recommendation from the rest of the team.

He was at peace, yes, but now the rest of you were too. You were all at peace. Whether that was on earth or up in heaven.

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