Agent! Lunar x Reader (REVERSE COMFORT!) "She did WHAT?!"

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(Angsty chapter)
(Basically, Lunar had an abusive Girlfriend and you comfort him as his best friend )
(So this is kinda a best-friends to lovers thing)

You were going to visit your best friend Lunar, but for the past few weeks he's been acting strange, he seems to always be hiding something, is hesitant when giving you hugs and isn't as energetic as he used to be, it's been getting worse recently. Lunar gave you the spare keys to his house in case you ever wanted to stop by. You were going to be polite and knock on the door first...but you heard shouting and banging coming from inside, you look through one of the windows...

(Inside the house:)

Lunar dodged to the side as a glass cup was thrown at him, "M-My lovely, can't we just talk this out?!" He asked, "No! We can't "talk this out"! How could you spend more time with her than with me?! And to top it all off, you ignore. ALL. OF. MY. CALLS!" She threw a vase at him and it hit Lunar in the head, he fell backwards on his back, he quickly sat up putting a hand on his head, she walked behind him and grabbed a handful of his wires, she then began pulling on them(basically like someone pulling your hair but 10x worse) "wait-! N-No! That hurts, stop, stop please!" Lunar cried out as he tried to stop her from pulling anymore.

You had seen enough, you dialed the police and told them about the situation before you unlocked the door and basically slammed it open "LUNAR!" You shouted, both him and his girlfriend looked up at you, "Y/N!" Lunar said in suprise, you run over to his girlfriend and basically shove her over on to the floor, you protectively hug Lunar and he cries on your shoulder. The look on his face breaks your heart, you've never seen him in this much pain before...

"What the hell?!" His girlfriend says, "and now,  you cheat on me Lunar?!" She then scolds
Lunar covers the sides of his head like a child and continues to cry "N-No! Stop I d-don't wanna hear anymore!" He sobbed, you get him behind you, putting distance between him and his girlfriend, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" You say as you glare at her "it's not MY fault! He just needs to learn who he belongs to!" She says "belongs to?! BELONGS TO?! LUNAR DOESN'T BELONG TO SHIT!" You snap "He BARELY knows what love is, and you've probably already given him a bad image of it!"

She picks up another plate and gets ready to throw it at you, but there are police sirens outside and she looked in the direction of the door.

"Freeze! You are under arrest" the main police officer says, pointing a gun at her head, she slowly lowers the plate and puts both her hands up.

As she's taken out of the house, the police ask if you need a medic, you look at Lunar and he shakes his head, "you sure buddy..?" You ask, "I don't need one...I-I know how to treat it on my own..." he says quietly.

The police leave and you sit Lunar on his bed, he curls up into a ball and just cries, "I'm such a bad boyfriend...I-If I just made her happy this would've never happened" Lunar said, that broke your heart to hear him blame himself like that, " wasn't your fault" you say "But I didn't love her enough, and she got angry at me because of it" Lunar whined, you put a hand on his head and gently rub it, you frown as you look at his wounds. "You loved her more than she deserved" you say "Some people in this world just have expectations that are too high" you explain to him "you're the best person I know, Lunar...if anything I'd say you loved her too much" you then sit down and adjust him so his head is on your lap, "She's a monster for doing this to you" you say with a slight scowl.
She had cut his cute little face and he looked so sad! His eyes which were usually a bright baby-blue, had faded to a dull grey, and you so badly wanted to bring back that bubbly little person that you adored. You hum a small tune as you pat his head.
"...Y/N?" He asks, you stop humming "yeah?" You respond "...I think I love you"

Your heart flutters in your chest "you love me?" You say surprised " make me feel nice...and whenever I'm around you I feel comfortable...when you hug me, I feel safe". He says shyly "you're not like her", you smile at him "then I love you too, Lunar..."

(Whew, that was....idk but nice-)

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