If you tried to kill yourself (Angst, TW!)

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(Eclipse first because why not-)

You had a lot of shitty drama going on in your life right now. You couldn't bear with it anymore.
Your previous boyfriend cheated on you, and you had just lost your job a couple days ago and you were going to loose your house...you were in a really low point in your life and you wished you could just escape from it all...It was a rainy night, one of your favorite things in this city, There was a nearby bridge that stood right over the freeway and you were looking over the edge, a cigarette in your hand. You finish the cigarette and flick it off the bridge, on to the freeway. It was a pretty far drop, would probably kill you on impact...were you really about to do this?
Were you about to end your shitty life?
You think about it, then stand up on the railing, you look up at the night sky and see the stars shining especially bright through the clouds as you block out all the noises and unnecessary sounds, you though you heard faint footsteps behind you, but you didn't care, you allowed yourself to fall forward down to the street and closed your eyes, waiting for the sweet release of death...

But it never came

You felt something firmly grab your arm and you open your eyes, then blink, you look up and it's currently too dark to see who had saved you, they pull you up and you fall into their arms, tears dwelling in your eyes. You look up to the stranger to see not a human. But an animatronic, "What the hell were you thinking?!" He said, angry, you didn't like being yelled at so you just started crying and curled up in a ball. Eclipse felt guilty, so he spoke in a softer tone "...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout" he said "what were you doing, falling off the bridge...that would've killed you" you look up at him and he blushed a little, he can't understand why he suddenly cared so much about a stranger he just met...well, saved, he can clearly see from your eyes alone that you've been through some tough things and he sighs, looking around. After he confirmed there were no other people in the area, he embraced you, the hug was warm and welcoming despite him just being made of metal and silicone, you begin to sob some more as you tightly hug him back.

"...who hurt you" he asked, gently hugging you, you rant to him about all of your problems, and your worries.
"My boyfriend cheated on me with some other girl, I-I don't have a job, and I'm going to loose my home!" You cried out through tears, "...you can stay with me for a while while you get a new one" the stranger offered "I live with my brothers and my dad, I'll pay for your rent while you pick yourself back up" he says, "only a fool would cheat on such a pretty lady..." he whispers to himself.

you sit there, sobbing for a while, Eclipse wraps his large coat around the both of you to shield mainly you from the rain, he doesn't really care that his suit is getting wet. After a while you agree and learn his name as Eclipse, he walks you to his house, "I'll take you home so you can pack your things tomorrow" Eclipse says, you silently nod and step inside your new and possibly forever home...

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