Chapter 1

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"... Cancer... Terminal...Three months..."
The boy who sat in front of the doctor leaned back into his chair. Three months? Really? Meh. Who cares. Nobody's left.
"Thank you." the boy whispered before leaving. "Hey Alex?" The doctor called out.
"You're not alone." Was what the doctor said before Alex gave the doctor a small smile and left.
Those words that came from the doctor's month floated around in Alex's head. Alex walked a round in his house to make sure everything was still in place. When he finished he let out a humourless pain laugh. He collapsed on the ground and started crying. Salty tears streamed down his face leaving trails in their wake but no sound came out. He wasn't crying because he had cancer. In fact he was kind of happy he did. Immediately after he left the hospital he received a call from MI6. Even though he did everything they told him to, they still deported Jack. But they promised. They f*ing promised to keep her safe!
They didn't.
Jack was kidnapped.
Right under the very noses of her guards. MI6 did NOTHING to look for her. They left her.
Even though they promised.
Then she was killed.
His only guardian. Only friend.
Alex fell asleep crying. A painful sleep. The sleep was filled with nightmare.

"Alex, dear boy, how have you been?" Major Yu sneered in sarcasm. "My, my. What a handsome young boy you have become." a woman purred. Julia Rothman. "I must admit. You look hotter than your father."
"Don't you dare speak of my father." Alex growled as he tried to lunge at her only to realize that he was chained to an invisible wall. Shitttt. Alex cursed mentally as he tugged desperately at the chains which caused his wrist to start bruising up and then crack. He either broke the bone in his wrist or dislocated. He doesn't know. He doesn't care. All around him was bodies of his friends. There was blood everywhere, covering his friends. "They're all dead, Alex," Ash said,"it's all your fault."
"No." Alex whispered as he watch his friends' bodies start dropping down in front of his eyes. He wanted to close his eyes and found out he couldn't. His eyes are disobeying him, refusing to close. It's like his eyes just froze. "I asked them whether they regretted staying with you, they said they did. You killed them, Alex. They hate you. They despise you because of staying with you, they are now dead. Gone. It's all your fault." Ash screamed into his face.

Alex jolted awake. He looked around subconsciously, it was an instinct that is now so sharp he doesn't need to think about doing it. He just does it. Alex felt something fell from his eyes and felt something warm and wet running down his cheek. He raised his hand to touch it. Tears. He was crying and he doesn't know why. He just couldn't control it anymore. He has been an emotional wreck this few days.
I'm outta control. Alex thought as he took in a shaky breath to calm himself but he felt like he couldn't take in any air. Alex wanted to panicked but he willed himself not to panic.

Alex Rider - three months to the endWhere stories live. Discover now