Chapter 7

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Alex watched as the unit look around to see if they forgot anything before they left for hell, also know as Brecons Beacons. Alex had already chucked all his necessary belongings into the duffle bag he was going to carry so he wasn't worried.
Alex sat in the car at the back of the 8 seater four wheel drive. They decided to let him have the entire back to himself. Snake took the seat behind the driver seat which was occupied by Wolf and Fox is next to him. Eagle took the spot next to Snake, which meant he was behind Fox. Alex was gazing out of the window as the greenery rushed by and the car cruising at 100km/h on the freeway. The soldiers hadn't interacted much with the teen since their last encounter a few days ago.
Alex was nodding off as the lack of sleep was taking a toll on him. His head lolled back and the car ran over a small road bump by accident and his head snapped hard against the plastic window ledge thingy... Don't judge, I don't know what it's called. That sudden loud noise startled everyone in the car, and Alex jerked at the sudden pain. He rubbed his head before shifting so his head is resting on something which reduces the chance of his head hitting anything again. Eagle winced at the sound. God, that must have been very painful. Snake looked back at the sleeping teen, curling up. Ben eyed Alex worriedly. He felt that Alex was hiding something from them. Wolf looked at the fifth unofficial member of k-unit. If he said he doesn't have any good things to feel about the kid, he would be lying. When the boy had kicked him out the plane to save his career, he had a little respect for the brat. He is till disliked the brat for having to be attached to their unit. They all did, except fox but oh well.

"Back again for more, brat?" Bear, a big and tall soldier towered over Alex, sneered. Alex held his ground and never showed any emotions, meaning no reactions to their taunt to fuel their thirst for when he breaks and walks away. Viper, a man who was a little taller and muscular than Alex, looked at them worriedly. He didn't like how his unit member is treating someone else just because they were young. Bear was the L unit's linguist and Viper is the unit's medic. Do you see the irony? The most deadly animal is the medic and to think there are two snakes here. One in K-unit and the other in L-unit, oh look something a little less shocking, they are good friends!
"Give him a break Bear."
"What? Has having a kid softened you?" Bear asked, referring to the unit medic's new born baby boy.
"You don't expect your daddy to come back all tough and hard to play with or interact with do you?" Viper retorted, crossing his arms to show his annoyance. Bear ignored Viper as his comment had struck a thought, Bear turned back to face the teen that was standing there emotionless, his body relaxed but still ready to strike. He possessed this calm yet deadly aura but Bear totally ignored it as he stepped into the kid's personal space. Jackal, L-unit's leader, and Viper and Dingo, the L-unit technology expert, watched quietly. Jackal's career had been saved by the kid as well when he was here for the two weeks training. During one of the obstacle coarse exercise, he had almost fallen over and not make it over but the kid had stopped and ran back to help him up and over and nudged him to make him keep moving. He was almost going to give up but the kid's action had made him persist through. Jackal was young, almost as young as the recruits but he was good at what he did, that's how he got the leader position. He has only just turn 22, the rest of the unit member of L-unit was so much older by 4-5 years. Seriously, he wasn't much older than the boy they call Cub. Speaking of Cub, he is pretty good looking. Bad! No! Cub isn't gay! Jackal chided himself. I have a boyfriend anyways. Jackal almost drooled at the thought of his own hot boyfriend that is a model.
Alex pressed his teeth firmly against each other. Bear was getting on his nerves. "So where are your parents?" The man sneered. Alex blinked once and raised an eyebrow at Bear's poor attempt to get rid of him. Alex turned swiftly on his heels and padded off towards the barrack and into K-unit's cabin. They had already reported to the sergeant and he said they have one hour to settle in. "That brat!"
"Hey! I would suggest you to stop treating my ward like that." Ben growled before stalking off after Alex. "Since when did Fox cared?!" Bear exclaimed.
"Since he joined '6 and he was assigned to be Cub's guardian." Snake replied and turned to talk to Viper. Jackal was talking with Wolf and Eagle as you know is talking to Dingo.
"Cub?" Ben called out uncertainly, he peeked in and saw the kid sitting on his own bunk, deep in thought. "Are you okay?"
"I'm fine." Alex said coldly, making Ben flinch. "I'm sorry." Alex whispered when he noticed Ben's reaction to his tone.
"What? Oh, no! It's okay! It's not your fault." What is that suppose to mean? Everything is my fault. Everything. Their deaths. All because of me. Because I made them stay. They shouldn't have stayed. I should have died during Stormbreaker. Yassen should have followed through on his orders and killed me. I miss Jack... I miss Sabrina... And Tom... And Jerry.... And I... I miss Yassen. How could I be so selfish? He died because of me. He died because he didn't want to kill me. All because of me.

Alex Rider - three months to the endWhere stories live. Discover now