Chapter 4

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Alex had his earphones on whilst drawing at his desk when he felt it. Someone trudging up the stairs. The slight boom with each footstep. Sounds like Eagle's. Alex thought as he saw the door open, he went over and kicked the door shut and heard someone cursing outside because the door hit his nose. Yep. That definitely Eagle. Alex locked the door and slid down to the floor with his back to the door. He felt the door vibrate as two firm knocks rapped on the door. "I'm sorry for not knocking, Cub. Please let me in." Eagle called out. Alex contemplated on whether to let him in or not. "Why should I?" Alex asked quietly but loud enough for the man outside to hear him. He could imagine Eagle's stunned look at the question. Eagle seem to be thinking about the answer but decided not to push his luck of trying to get into Alex's room so he opted to sit outside the door in the same manner Alex is sitting in right now.
"So why do you not trust us?"
"What reasons did you give me to trust you guys?" Alex shot back. Eagle was silent as he rolled the question around his mind. They never treated him right nor did they ever stop to think why he was there. Not that it changed the fact that he is some snotty rich brat. "And why do you not?! Your parents sent you to Wales for bloody protection didn't they? And we bloody kept you safe!" Eagle yelled. Alex's breath hitched in his throat, he was never so affected by the insults thrown at him but why now? Alex was so angry and so upset he wanted to shout insults at them all and disgrace them, the insults he can think of can put the sarge to shame! But Alex opted to stay silent, as a naturally selfless person he always put others before him. So even if they insulted him, he wouldn't do it back because he was afraid it would hurt their feelings. Tears welled in his eyes but he blinked it away. He blasted his music to drown out any noises. He doesn't care if he can't hear if anyone sneaks in and takes him. He wished they would've came to kidnap him, torture him. At least it would take his mind off everything. The news that he has cancer has punched him hard in the face. It's killing him and he knows that there is a cure. A cure he can't reach or else K-unit would be mocking him about not able to withstand a little cough and always reaching for help.
Oh god... What have I become? I'm thinking so badly about k-unit. Alex thought. K-unit deserves those bad thoughts though. Look at what they made Alex think about himself! They are just a bunch of meanies, that would have karma coming personally to knock on their doors and punch each individual in the face.
Alex was pulled out of his thoughts when his phone vibrated. "Hello?"
"This is the Royal and General Bank, Mr. Blunt would like to spoke to you about your bank account, Mr. Rider." A female voice said politely before the line was passed onto Blunt's office. "Agent Rider, I have a mission for you. It is a short one so you'll be in and out."
"Yes sir?" Alex asked, prompting Blunt to continue. He has never wished for a mission so badly. But he want out, he wanted to get out of the house. Away from K-unit.
"The mission is for you to retrieve a stolen piece of gem. It's a rare Ruby. It was suppose to be on auction but someone stole it. Not everyone knows how the Ruby looks like but based on the way his thief works, he/she must be displaying that Ruby proudly, knowing it's rare but no one knows it's stolen." Blunt said.
"Yes sir."
"An agent will meet up with you to pass you the necessary items. Your mission starts in an hour, which is when the ball this thief would surely be attending." Blunt hung up immediately after. Alex sighed and gathered his belongings before locking them up. He slipped the wallet into his pocket and made sure his backup phone was with him. He put on transparent contacts that would explode upon touching metal and grabbed the iPod that is still blasting music into his earphones before heading down stairs quietly. He made sure he had the keys before gliding smoothly and quietly to the door. "Ben I'm going out." Was his only warning before he slammed the door shut behind him, leaving a shocked k-unit and Ben to make sure they don't follow him because they would have lost track of him from his head start.
"Wait what?!" Ben yelled but the door already slammed shut. "Dammit. How can they send that boy out?!" Ben cursed as he banged the kitchen table they are currently playing poker on. "You mean that brat actually goes on active duty?" Eagle asked in shock. "Stop calling him a brat." Ben growled which caused Eagle to put up his hands in defence. "Where are his rich parents? Are they seriously letting their kid play spy?" Wolf asked. "That would be classified secret, Wolf." Ben said, almost glaring at the man. Please be okay Alex. Please don't go looking for trouble. Please. God, protect him. Ben prayed while they continued their game of cards, the unit not caring about their unofficial fifth member but Ben knows there's nothing he can do so he just has to sit and pray that the kid comes home in one piece.

Alex Rider - three months to the endWhere stories live. Discover now