ch 15; I'm WHAT?!

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A few more days has passed, and Mephiles sits on a kinda hard bed with paper rolled out as sheet. In a bright white room where he is waiting to get his health checked.
Sadly he can't ask help for the Shadow situation... But he could get help with his bad health. The nausea, the exhaustion, and including the new symptom where the stomach seems growing.
The nausea and the exhaustion could be symptoms due stress... But the stomach? Could that also be a symptom for stress?... Or, it's something else? And the reason Shadow can't take over?

The sound of the door handle who pulls down and creaks the door open, startles him and he looks up.
A female rabbit with cream colored fur and brown dots, gets into the room with a small box in the hand, and a notepad under the arm.
"Hello Mr. Mephiles-... I'm your nurse today... I will take few tests as blood tests, including checking your blood pressure... Then your doctor will talk with you about the results..." she explains with a smile on the lips.
The rabbit places the box with needles, strap and test tubes on the silver metallic table next the examination bed. Including the notepad.
"... Does that sounds alright with you?"

Mephiles nods slowly with a murmur in the head due exhaustion.
The female rabbits smiles sweetly at him while she picks the strap up.
" Can you please roll the sleeve up?"
The hedgehog starts rolling the sleeve up to his left arm.
Then the nurse starts tying the strap around the upper arm, and make it tight.
Not tight so it would be painful-... Only uncomfortable.
The rabbit starts stroking two finger along his arm and downward to find the right place to insert the needle.
A few seconds later she pulls the strap a little to make it tighter.
Then she strokes the fingers again along the arm.
A moment later she keeps her fingers against a vein, while she reaches after the small needle who has a tube with a special container on its end.

She points with the tip of the needle against the vein on his arm.
"... It might sting a little... If you want, you can take a deep breath now... Ready?"
"... Y-yeah-..." Mephiles answers while she moves the fingers away a little and gives him few seconds to take a breath.
"... Here we go-..." she says while pressing the tip gently inside him.
When the needle is in, she grabs a test tube and inserted it in the wide ending of the needle's tube. In the container.
Then she loosened the strap around the arm, and blood starts filling the test tube.
The nurse fills few test tubes with blood, then she takes the needle out and puts a bandaid on the arm where she had inserted the needle.

"Good job-... Now I will take a blood pressure on the other arm..." she tells him and places the test tubes and the needle in the box again.
Mephiles rolls down the sleeve, and then up with the other.
The nurse kneels down a little by the table and takes out an inflatable cuff.
"Alright-... Now I will wrap this one around the arm..." she explains and wraps the dark blue cuff around the arm near the armpit.
Then she starts pumping air into the cuff, so it gets tighter around the arm.
An uncomfortable feeling, but nothing he can't endure.

The nurse glances down at the gauge and notices the result.
The rabbit nods, and let's the air out from the cuff.
"Alright dear-... Your blood pressure is a bit high-... But-... That can be because of stress... So, don't get worried, okay?" She smiles at him, and takes the cuff off of his arm.
Mephiles nods.
The nurse starts writing the result down on the notepad, then she takes her things in the hands. The ones she brought with her.
"So-... Now you only need to wait until the doctor can help you further... If you need the toilet, let us know... In case we need an urine sample as well... Okay?"
Mephiles inhales deeply.
"Okay-... Thanks..."
The rabbit walks out, and leaves him alone.

Mephiles starts slowly kicking with the feet.
So-... The blood pressure was a bit high?...
Even though it might only be stress who is hunting him... He is still worried something more awful is going on in his body... Maybe a deadly disease?

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