Vol 1 Clash

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Ayanokoji's pov

"Are you ready?" Itachi asked me as he stood at least 30 feet away from me.

"Yeah." I said, nodding my head. Itachi grabbed a kunai from his ninja pouch and threw it into the air. I moved chakra towards my feet and ready myself to move forward. I watched as the kunai slowly fell, and as soon as it hit the ground Itachi and I rushed at each other.

As we met in the middle I threw a punch towards Itachi's face, which Itachi avoided by moving his face to the right. Itachi's leg then moved up, trying to go for a roundhouse kick but I stopped it by grabbing onto his leg. I then pushed chakra towards my hands and began to tightly squeeze his leg. Itachi twisted his body in a very flexible way and kicked me with his free leg. I was forced to let go and Itachi moved forward, he punched me in the stomach three times in a quick motion, and then kicked my chin sending me up into the air.

I quickly went into my ninja pouch and grabbed five kunai and threw them down at Itachi, Itachi with his own kunai blocked all of them. However as one went past his face I went through the signs needed to perform the body replacement technique, I switched places with the kunai and kicked Itachi's neck, causing his head to slam into the ground hard. However just as Itachi's head hit the ground he went up in a cloud of smoke, damn shadow clone before I even knew what happened I found myself getting slammed into a tree.

"Fire style, fireball Jutsu." I heard Itachi's voice, I looked up to see a giant ball of fire coming my way. I quickly went through hand signs and switched places with a leaf that was far from where the fireball was heading to.

I looked to see Itachi standing across the field from me. I grabbed a kunai from my pouch and he did the same. He both then rushed at each other, when we were about 15 feet away I threw my kunai, and he did the same. I grabbed onto the kunai he threw at me and he grabbed onto the one I threw at him. As we met in the middle we slammed our kunai into each other, causing sparks to be created from metal hitting against metal.

I then moved my kunai out of the way and went to stab it into his stomach but Itachi grabbed onto my wrist and twisted it, I then pushed chakra into my free hand and slammed it into Itachi's stomach, I watched Itachi's face cringe a little from the pain but he didn't let go of me. Instead he slammed his knee into my stomach, I coughed out saliva but still held onto the kunai. Itachi then kicked the back of my leg causing me to fall to my knees and then he slammed his knee into my stomach. He let go of my hand as I fell to the ground but as I was falling I threw the kunai at his face. I watched as Itachi moved his head to the side, the kunai only cutting a small piece of his hair.

I felt something warm and wet running down my face which I could only assume was blood. As I hit the ground I quickly got up and backed away from Itachi. I wiped my nose and looked at my hand to see it was indeed blood.

"Do you want to continue?" I heard Itachi ask.

"Yes." I simply said. I knew Itachi was miles ahead of me at the moment. I was only 5 years old, and Itachi has been a ninja since he was 8. Itachi may only be 11 at the moment but he was Junin level, maybe even nearing ANBU level. I on the other hand was low Genin level. Even now that he's holding back a lot I have no chance in beating him. Maybe once I'm at least 13 and he's 19 it'll be an even fight, but at the moment I stand no chance against him.

Itachi then moved forward and so did I. Just as we were about to meet in the middle, I went through fast hand signs.

"Lightning style, Lighting beast." I called out as a hound made from lighting came out from my hands and rushed towards Itachi, Itachi quickly jumped away but my attack was still able to connect with his left foot. As Itachi landed on the ground I saw his left foot was off its normal stance.

I quickly performed the body replacement technique to switch places with a leaf behind him. Itachi turned around but again I performed the body replacement technique and this time appeared to his left, I pushed chakra towards my leg and kicked the back of his knee. Itachi fell to his knees and I pushed chakra towards my hand and slammed my fist into his face, causing Itachi to slam hard into the ground.

I couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed as I watched his body go up in smoke. He performed the shadow clone again. I then turned around as my danger senses were going off. I turned around just in time to grab onto Itachi's fist that was about to slam into the back of my head. I quickly pushed chakra into both my hands, I squeezed his hand hard and with my other hand went to slam it into his stomach, however Itachi slammed his fist into mine, my hand felt as if it was about to break. Itachi had also pushed chakra into his hand and considering he has more chakra than me and is more defined it hurt me a lot. I watched as Itachi began to go though one handed signs.

"Fire style, fire ball Jutsu." Itachi said as a small ball of fire escaped his mouth and slammed into me. I was able to cover my face with my hands but the rest of my body was burned up a bit. I then fit a fist connected with my stomach, I couldn't help but spit out blood, a foot then connected with my neck, causing me to slam into the ground. My vision became a bit blurry but once it was clear, Itachi stood over me with a kunai pressed against my neck.

"I surrender." I said. Itachi then removed the kunai from my neck and put it into his pouch, he then reached out his hand to me. I took his hand and he helped me up.

"You've improved a lot, I was fighting you at high Genin level and you still managed to hurt me, even if just a bit." Itachi said as he looked down at his left foot.

"Yeah but in a real fight I would have been dead." I told him.

"Well that's why you still have many years to train before you have a real fight." Itachi said.

"Yeah, I know." I told him. I then saw Itachi reach into his pouch and take out a small scroll, he then went through three hand signs and then a box came out of the scroll

"I know your birthday was last week but I would like to give you this." Itachi said as he handed me the box. I took the box and opened it to find a sword inside of it.

"This sword is called Anbu era, for the fact that it is used in Anbu the most, I know it's a bit too big for you know but I'm sure you'll be able to use it just fine." Itachi said.

"I see, thank you Itachi. I've been wanting to practice Kenjutsu for a while now." I told Itachi.

"I know, you've told me before and also I got you this." Itachi said as he reached into his pouch once again and took out a small book. I looked at it and the title was Fuinjutsu level 1, as you could see from the title alone it was a book on the teachings of Fuinjutsu. "Since you've talked about more than once before about how Fuinjutsu is something useful to know I got you this book. When you finish it you can tell me and I'll get you the next one." Itachi said.

"Thank you Itachi." I said with a small bow.

"No need to thank me but I really should get going now, I have a mission that will begin in an hour." Itachi said.

"Be safe." I said and Itachi nodded and disappeared.

I looked at the sword and then the book. Well it seems like I have some more training and also I need to learn a new Jutsu that I believe will go well with lightning beast. 

AN: I hope you guys liked the fight, there was no big Jutsus or anything like that since Ayanokoji is still young. I hope that I'm able to show you guys that even though Ayanokoji is far stronger than any of the Konoha 13 that he is not over power, he is just a prodigy like Itachi , Kakashi and Minato. 

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