Vol 1 Sharingans

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AN: I made a discord mainly aimed towards the COTE and Naruto fanfic communities, although others are welcome as well. If you want to join the link is in my bio. If you're an author you're also welcome to join to talk with people and get your stories known out there and if you're just a fan of mine you can join the discord to just talk to me or the community. Always don't forget to like and comment to show your support.

Ayanokoji's pov

The scene in front of me was rather pathetic if I had to be honest. I watched as Naruto stood up again. Blood coming down his lip.

"I'm not down yet!" He yelled and rushed forward towards Hinata. He threw a punch at her face, Hinata without much effort slapped his fist to the side throwing Naruto's punch off target. Hinata then pushed her hand into his stomach, I watched Naruto's face cringe in pain. This was the Hyuga's fighting style, the gentle fist. However Hinata was not putting any chakra into it so as to not hurt Naruto as badly.

Hinata then went on the assault as she continued to strike Naruto over and over again till he fell over.

"Alright that's enough." I said. "Naruto you lack strength, flexibility and speed. You have a lot of stamina and durability but that doesn't make up for your weakness. We'll work on your weaknesses and once you're at a good enough level I'll see what your strengths are and give you a fighting style that suits you." I told Naruto. I'm planning on building up his strength, flexibility and speed equally. However every person has one thing they excel at the most. While I will be building up all of them equally his DNA will help whichever one of these three he excels at the most grows faster than the rest. From this I will be able to choose a fighting style that will suit him the most.

"So you're telling me I have to do a lot of exercise before I'm able to learn anything." Naruto said. Ever since my talk with Naruto he has slowly stopped putting on that act he uses to hide his pain. While he still hides behind his smile at times he's way much more quiet than before.

"Yes." I simply replied. It has been two weeks since my talk with him and just yesterday he came to me asking to help him become strong. Today was October 9th which means Naruto's birthday is tomorrow. My birthday was October 20th. If it was in my old world Naruto and I would have shared the same birthday but in this world I was born 10 days after Naruto. I suppose I should buy Naruto a birthday gift to make him like me more.

"Alright I think we should call it a day for now. I'll need time to think of Naruto's workout plan." I lied. "Starting tomorrow while I train Hinata you'll be doing the exercises I tell you to do alright Naruto."

"Yeah, got it." He told me. "Well I'll see you guys later." Naruto told us and waved as he walked off.

"Kiyotaka." I heard Hinata say.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"What did you do to make Naruto change so much?" She asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about. He hasn't changed at all, he's just showing who he really is." I responded. Hinata tilted her head a bit to show that she was confused by my response. "Follow me Hinata, you're going to help me out with something." I told her and began walking.

"What do you need my help with?" She asked as she walked close behind me.

"I need help buying a birthday gift." I told her.

Itachi's pov

I couldn't help but breathe a little heavily, sweat ran down my face as my eyes scanned the area around me. My sharingan scanned every single thing, my eyes then picked up on a blur moving straight at me. I quickly moved my sword up to block another sword. I looked to see another pair of sharingan looking at me. The boy had a smile across his face.

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