Vol 1 Cake

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AN: I made a discord mainly aimed towards the COTE and Naruto fanfic communities, although others are welcome as well. If you want to join the link is in my bio. If you're an author you're also welcome to join to talk with people and get your stories known out there and if you're just a fan of mine you can join the discord to just talk to me or the community. Always don't forget to like and comment to show your support.

Ayanokoji's pov

Today was October 10th, it was a day filled with happiness, sadness, anger, and hope. All of these emotions come from the village of the hidden leaf as today is the day the nine tails attacked six years ago. Today was the day people lost children, parents, friends, lovers, pets, but most notable, the day the hidden leaf lost its Fourth Hokage.

I walked through the streets of the village, as I looked at everyone's face that each all showed different expressions. Sadness, happiness, regret, thankfulness and anger. However most of these negative emotions would be thrown at Naruto, it's no surprise he chose to hide his pain through that mask of his. However I need him to drop that mask and not fall into sadness but let the anger consume him.

That anger will drive him to isolation when people begin to turn their backs on him because of the way he will begin to act when he shows his anger. I however will be there, I will be there as the "friend" he can come to.

I came to a stop as soon as I came in front of the door I was looking for. In front of the door I saw Hinata there waiting, in her hand was a small birthday cake and a small gift bag.

"Good Morning." I greeted.

"Good Morning Kiyotaka." Hinata greeted me with a smile.

"Have you knocked yet?" I asked.

"No, I was waiting for you to get here so I think it's better if we're both here to give him our gifts at the same time." Hinata told me.

"I see." I replied. I've never given someone a birthday gift before nor come to their home to give it to them in person and give them a cake. However this is all necessary to get Naruto to like me more.

I knocked at the door and waited. A few seconds later a Naruto who looked like he just got out of bed opened the door. He looked at me and then at Hinata and then at the cake.

"Hey, Kiyotaka, Hinata. What's with the cake?" Naruto as

"It's for you." Hinata said with a warm smile on her face.

"F-for me." Naruto stuttered. It seems like just like me Naruto has never eaten a birthday gift before.

"Yeah. Kiyotaka thought it would be good if all three of us celebrate your birthday together." Hinata told Naruto. I watched as Naruto's eyes led up, true happiness showing on his face.

"Thank you guys, come on." Naruto said. Both Hinata and I entered his apartment.

"We also bought you some gifts." I told Naruto.

"You guys didn't have to." Naruto said in a low voice, but his eyes gave away his happiness.

"Here you can open mines first." Hinata said, handing him the small red gift box. Opening it I saw there was a frog wallet inside of it. "I know it's not much but I saw that you don't have anywhere to put your money and always just shove into your pants." Hinata said with a nervous smile, seems like she's unsure if Naruto would like her gift or not.

"Thank you, it means a lot to me." Naruto said hugging Hinata. Hinata hugged him back gently. After a few seconds the hug was broken.

"I also got you something." I said. I handed Naruto my gift bag which was bigger than Hinata's. Naruto opened it and pulled out ten different coats. They were black with brown fur lining. "I got you 10, 2 of each are the same size, I thought it would be best if I got you bigger sizes for when you grow. I got you these since they aren't overwhelmingly hot but they're warm enough to make sure you never get cold and the color also makes it good for ninja duties." I told Naruto. Naruto rushed over to me and hugged me.

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