X- Path To Freedom

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The next morning, the wolves are coming downstairs to sounds of paw steps going at a fast pace towards their den

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The next morning, the wolves are coming downstairs to sounds of paw steps going at a fast pace towards their den.

Lahote: I think that's Hudson's pack!!

Moll: Let me check.

Moll goes to the main balcony.

Moll: Oh my Lord! I see dozens of starved Steppe Wolves and a brown one leading them!

Ellegaard: That's indeed Hudson's pack!! This is serious, this is serious indeed.

Ellegaard goes into alert mode.

Moll: Oh my Titan!- Asha, Lahote, Luz, Edric, Ellegaard, Gus, Benita, Mébh, SHOWDOWN! I'll join you later...

The 8 wolves go outside the Territory to an open area in the Forearm Forest, where they were greeted by Chief Hudson and dozens of starved wolves. Suddenly, the sky turns dark grey, it begins raining and storming torrentially.

Hudson: ASHA. LAHOTE, LUZ. You're all dead!

Edric: Not for long.

Hudson: WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!?! You're irrelevant!!

Edric: I'm Edric Blight, The Prince Wolf, AKA the Wolf Boy. This is a showdown, we're here to stop your colony's suffering, so your control over them and any other pack! This is the end of enslavement!!

Hudson: Oh I will show you...

Edric: Wolves! Reposition!! Asha, you and I will battle Hudson, Mébh, Benita, Gus, Ellegaard, you'll prevent the entrance of Hudson into the Steppe Wolves' comfort zone, Lahote, Luz, you'll drag the wolves into our Territory!

Everyone: Yes Prince!

The wolves get down from the hill. Hudson lunges at Asha, and the impeding battle begins.

While Hudson gets distracted, Lahote and Luz lure the starved Steppe Wolves into the den. Upon noticing this, Hudson immediately jumps on top of Edric and sprints towards them, but Mébh and Gus block his path.

Mébh: You're not going anywhere!!

As soon as Hudson is about to bite into Mébh's muzzle, Asha bites his neck.


Hudson is in pain as he's yelling this.

He tries to tackle Asha to the ground, but she resists by scratching his face and then knocking him to the ground instead. Edric joins in and bites Hudson's neck. There, he bleeds out, until he eventually passes out. He has been brutally attacked...

After this, all 8 wolves run to the den with all starved wolves, even the pups. Edric and Asha stand there when they hear an annoying voice yell: "SIS! PRINCE WOLF! I heard a commotion was going on in here!!" It is Hunter in his Golden Guard outfit, mask and everything. Asha turns to him.

Asha: Hi brother, I fought of my kidnapper.

Hunter: Damn you're all wet...Shall we go to our house and discuss this whole "Kidnap" thing? Bring Luz with us.

Asha: Alright.

Asha gets inside the territory with Edric.

Annie grabs Asha's sweatpants.

Annie: Mommy! Who were the strange wolves?

Asha: My kidnappers. Luz, come with me.

Luz goes with Asha to that open area in the Forearm Forest, where they find Hunter waiting for them.

Hunter: Let's go.

Suddenly, the rain and the storms stop. It is sunny in a sunrise state.

The siblings walk to the Owl House where they are greeted by Hooty.

Hooty: HOOT HOOT! ASHA! LUZ! You're both okay! Please, come in!

They go inside and are also greeted with hugs and kisses from their relatives.

Hunter: Sit down everyone, Asha and Luz will explain everything about their sudden disappearance.

Asha: So, what happened was, me and Luz fell asleep in the Territory. When we woke up, we wore different clothes, white rags, and we didn't know where we were being transported to, we were inside a wagon! As soon as we got of the wagon, we found out we were apart of a different pack in the Latissa Wastelands, as SLAVES! And Luz and I also found out the wolves were in there were Steppe Wolves, reigned by the previous Farlander Chief Hudson. We stood there for three day, dictature and slavery, we were only fed once a day. During our time there, we met a wolf, his name is Lahote and he's now apart of the Wolves'Den. He gets along pretty well with most people due to his relaxed personality. When the Chief is gone with the other wolves for a hunting party, we ran away, but due to the Steppe Elder Andrias distracting the guards trying to retrieve us, he ended up being executed...

Eda: Oh darlings! I'm glad you're both back!

She hugs Luz and Asha.

Hunter: It's great to have my sister back!!

Hunter hugs Asha tightly, she cares less if she is choking or not.

After this, the siblings walk back to the territory to see the entire colony of Steppe Wolves being fed a little out of the ordinary. They didn't say anything because they're starving. After being fed a lot more than usual, the Mama wolves from the Colony went to feed their pups properly. Now the colony became officially one of Ellegaard's Farlanders!

Ellegaard: Hah! Lucky for me I was running out of wolves, it was a crisis, but upon meeting these poor wolves, I had a massive raise!

The next day....

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