XXI- 6th January 1321

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As Asha is still finishing eating breakfast, someone calls out for her name. A teeny, masculine voice.

Gus: Aaaaaassshhhaaaaaaa!

Asha: What do you want, Augustus?

She is still sipping on her tea.

Gus: Do you know what day it is!?

Asha: No?

Gus: It's January the 6th!!

Asha's facial expression quickly turns to terror once Gus has said that. She spits out her drink.

Asha: This is a joke, right?

Gus: Uh oh.... Someone's getting flashbacks! I am too. Look in the calendar.

Asha: Fine.

Asha makes her way to the Dining Hall doorway and looks in the calendar. Gus's sentence turn out to be true. It is indeed January the 6th. Suddenly, a radio emission goes off and the entire pack stops everything they're doing to listen.

"This is Perry Porter coming to you with the morning news. Today we come together and celebrate January The 6th, a Historical Day for the Boiling Isles. And the people to thank for this event might sound shocking, but it is very true what happened..."

Luz: What happened?

Viney: The Crystal Ball is showing what is going on.

Viney points at the Crystal Ball.

Luz: Oh...
6th January 1321- A Mark in History

It was morning and it started out as a regular day for the Emperor's Coven. Emperor Belos called out every single scout and guard, including their leaders and captains. 2 female Guard Captains, a male Guard Captain and Lilith and Hunter, the leaders.

Emperor Belos: Children of the Emperor's Coven! I command every single force among this Coven to scour the entirety of the Boiling Isles for the hunting and ending of the wolf race for once and for all!

And so they went on a massive hunting trip for another genocide. Emperor Belos decided to stay as he wanted to hear news from the scouts while they were on their trip. The Emperor was the only one in the Castle, hoping to hear news about his people. Now, according to him, he claimed to have heard footsteps going at a fast pace.

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