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Lauren POV:

"Yeah, who wears the pants ?"

"Well, we are both wearing jeans right no-" I was saying but I was interrupted.

He chuckled and said "God, you are so funny. Lesbians have amazing sense of humor. I haven't asked you but, liking the party? Another thing, won't Camila mind me borrowing you for so long or that I got you to meet new girls?"

I scoffed and put my hand to his chest.

"Hold up. Luis , three words.
I'm . Not. Gay !" I said and laughed , more like half air and half laugh. I felt out of words, yet I still managed to let them out. Does he really think I'm gay?!

"Aw honey . I don't think you are , I know. God, I know how hard it is to be hiding, scared. I really can see a homosexual from a mile away! I'm like a gay radar!" He clapped and then put his hands to my shoulders again.

"Look Lauren, I know it's hard when you are still in the closet, but I promise you. When you are out, it's absolute freedom ! To me, it was in the third gra-"

This time it was me who interrupted him.

"Luis! I'm not in the closet, and me and Camila are NOT in a relationship!"

"Oh, sorry. " He said and winked.

"Why are you winking?" I said , this time this isn't a joke.

"Lolo. Can I call you that? Okay, yeah. I saw you and Camila holding hands when you entered! Why not be free about this?This is Miami and this school is extremely and surprisingly accepting! You can ju-"

I interrupted him.Again.

"I was holding hands with her because she was nervous! She wanted to talk to Austin and was exited, so she asked me to hold her hand. We are FRIENDS! Nothing more!" I say and I noticed how much I was moving my hands.

"Fine, say whatever you want . But Lauren, I just want to help you. I really don't want me pushing you to affect our new friendship."He said and hugged me.

"Yeah of course, just don't let anyone know about this conversation!" I said and let out a small laugh.

God, where did he get the conclusion that I'm gay ?!

"Why not?" He said and cocked his head to the side.

"Well , I don't want people to start thinking I'm gay! I like how things are. I don't want people to start making assumptions and saying things. I'm not gay!"I said and shook his shoulders.

"So you are in the closet!"he said

"I'm not gay or in the closet!"

"Stop denying it, you can trust me ."

"I'm not denying anything !"

"Lauren, I just want help you!"

"Help me what?"

"Be who you really are, on the inside ."

"What are you even saying? I'm not faking my personality!"

"Lo, you know that's not what I meant. I just want to help. You out of all people is honestly the only one
who I really do feel that is my friend for me! Besides Austin, of course. Not popularity or money, but just Luis! God, your personality is unique and I didn't mean you faking something you are not. " He sighed.

"Lauren , what I'm trying to say is that deep inside of you is something you didn't know there was !"

"You are still implying I'm gay!"

"Lauren you'll thank me later."He said and gave me a quick peck on the cheek.Before I knew it, he had disappeared.

"Luis?!" I said and looked around , but he wasn't anywhere near.

Where did he go? The thought of him going to Camila and asking her as well annoyed me a little.

I got up from the small bench and went inside , searching for Luis, or Camila. Whoever I would see first.

I looked around amd felt someone hold my wrist and pull me. What's with everyone pulling me by the wrist today? I turned around and it was Camila.

"Lauren! Austin thinks I'm a lesbian!"She said and crossed her arms over her chest.

"C'mon lets go."

I knew that somehow whatever Luis was planning, was going to come back and punch me in the face.Maybe kick my ass.

"Why though? Do I look gay?"Camila said and shook my shoulders.

"First of all... I don't know what gays look like and second Luis thinks I'm a lesbian too. There is something going on and we need to ask them who began this small rumor that we're gay!" I said and took her hand, pulling her towards the crowd where Luis and Austin were.

I saw Luis and he just smiled and gave me a thumbs up.

He walked towards a large table that was at the very center of the room and he started to quickly text someone on his phone, I assumed .

Then the lights went on and I looked back at Luis and he was standing on top of the table with a megaphone in his hands.


Oh god.

If he is about to do what I'm thinking , he's a dead Luis.

"There is a couple out there, in this same room.Afraid.Trapped.Feeling that they will be judged or thrown BS for ."

Oh my god. Oh my god.Oh my God.

"This school is extremely and surprisingly accepting.We can do this ! Being inside the closet is harder than any of you think. I knew how that felt before. All I want is these girls to feel free, to feel like themselves ."

Oh my lord.

"But to do so they need to be out the closet. They feel that we won't accept them and that we won't support lesbians!"

Luis why are you doing this...

"But we are better than that! We know better than to judge people for who they are on they inside.In this case , these two girls are hiding because they are scared, afraid of not being accepted for being gay. "

Jesus Christ why me?

"Miami is a big place, with many types of people. There is everything in this high school but a lesbian couple. Now that we have one, it's time for it to be out there!"

Please kill me now and someone please play some nice music in my funeral. Preferably Ed Sheeran or maybe some alt-J would be nice.If someone can dress up as death that would be cool too.

"You know who you are and just know we accept so ... "

He continued but this time he hopped off the table and I turned around , and there he was. He had my hand and since I was holding Camila's, it was both hands up.

"Let's elect them homecoming queens!" He said and the large crowd cheered in unision.

Remember when I said it was going to come back and punch me in the face ? I was right .

faking it. - (Camren)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt